Determinants of Logistics Outsourcing: A Review of Relevant Literature

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Department of Commerce and Financial Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya


Outsourcing is currently ongoing through stage of unstoppable growth. Logistics is the most famous function of outsourcing. Outsourcing has emerged as one of the popular and widely used business strategy of this globalized era. After exhausting the traditional modes of cost cutting, outsourcing has become the most favored avenue for cost cutting In the light of increasing competition and potential economic benefits in the logistics sector, the objective of this paper is to examine the determinants of logistics outsourcing and identify the key factors that are required for a successful a logistics hub. For the logistics hub, the analysis on the determinants of competitiveness is made using literature which are presented information about logistics outsourcing.



Logistics Outsourcing, Determinants


Perera, M.K.T.P.K., Adhikari, A.M.D.I., Wickramasinghe, H.H.L.M., Dasanayaka, D.M.J.H.K., Karunanayaka, K.P.W., Wickramaarachchi, W.A.S.S., Ruwantha, W.T.M. and Fernando, W.M.K.K.M.W. 2015. Determinants of Logistics Outsourcing: A Review of Relevant Literature. In Proceedings of the 2nd Undergraduate Symposium on Contemporary Management and Theory. Department of Commerce and Financial Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management, University of Kelaniya. pp 130-140.




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