Mean Value Theorem and Fermat's Last Theorem for n=3
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University of Kelaniya
Fermat's last theorem can be stated as that the equation
zn =yn +xn,(x,y)=1 (A)
has no non-trivial integral solutions for (x, y, z) except for n=2, and therefore we have
carefully examined all primitive Pythagorean triples [1],[2] and we solved Pythagoras'
equation analytically resulting in a new generators for Primitive Pythagorean triples
and a simple conjecture which is explained and proved for n = 3 in the following.
1. Conjecture
When y is divisible by 2, all primitive Pythagorean triples (x,y,z) are related by
z 2 -x2 = y 2=2.(z-x)(x+Bh) (1)
where h = z - x = 2 21H a 2 and e = .I_ . This resembles the Mean value theorem
f(z)- f(x) = (z- x).f'(r;), where f(x) = x 2 , / (r;) = 2.r; and r; = z + x ,which is a
perfect square. If (A) has a non trivial integral solutions for a prime n-:;; 2, then there
may be such solutions that one of x, y, z is divisible by n which is well known .Then the
equation (A) can be put into the form
with z- x = nf3n-Jan assuming that y is divisible by n ,where all letters except r; stand
for integers .. This also resembles the Mean vale theorem
f(z)- f(x) = (z- x)./ (r;) withf(x) = xn. It is conjectured [1]that if (A) is true, then
rn = r;n-l does not hold witli integral y, r; except for n = 2 .
2.Proof of the Conjecture
In this contribution, the conjecture in the previous section is proved for n = 3. Proof is
based on the following lemmas.
2.1 Lemma
has an integral solution for x,y,z ,then one ofx, y, z is divisible by 3.
The proof of this lemma is simple and it is assumed without proof.
Since the above equation holds for - x,-y,-z, without loss of generality, one may
assume that y is divisible by 3.
2.2 Lemma
If y is divisible by 3, then z- x = 3'11 1 a~ ,where a is an integer including ± I. The
proof of this lemma is exactly the same as as in the case of analytic solution of the
Pythagoras" equation for primitive Pythagorean triples and is also assumed without
~ow, (3) takes the form
2.3 Lemma
If (cd) = l=(hJ). then it follmvs from the Fermat's little theorem that a' ±h1 IS
divisible by 3 and since a' ±h' = (a±h)((a±h)2 ±3ah),the least power of 3 that
divides a~ ± h' is 2.
Substituting z-x=3'13 1a' m (4),oneobtains
:> - 31>{1-1 6 + '11/1-1 + 2 )I - a .) .X X (5)
and (5) can readily he put into the form
4 r' =36fl3a6 +(2x+ 3 ,;r-la')2 = 4(
If ¢ is an integer it can be expressed as x +!',where ,u IS an integer,
follovvs from (6) that
and then it
3 1' fH a 6 = ( 4 x + 2 p + 3 ' 11 1 a 1 )( 2 JL - 3 ' 11 -1 a 3 ) (7)
Let us assume a is a prime for simplicity .If (2p- 3111 - 1 a') is not equal to I , then it
cannot be 3611 1 a 6 since then 3x +x-I+ 2p + 33.8-l a 1 = 0 from which and (5) it
follows that(3.x) :t:: I Therefore 2p- 3311 -1 a 3 is equal to a 6 or 31'!1-1 and hence
2p-3'11-1 a' = l
and (c) gi \"CS
3611 1a' =4x+2.3'11 1a 1 +1
Since x-I or x + 1 is divisible by 32 due to (5) and since a3 + h3 is divisible by
32 we conclude that (a) or (b) or (d) is never satisfied since (3,x) :f:: 1. Hence our
assumption that s and y are integers never holds . If a is a composite number it can
be expressed as a product of primes and the proof of the conjecture follows in the similar
manner as above.
Piyadasa, R.A.D., 2007. Mean Value Theorem and Fermat's Last Theorem for n=3, Proceedings of the Annual Research Symposium 2007, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, pp 129-130.