Different isolates of Bacillus subtilis from gastrointestinal tract of wild caught black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon to improve a locally produced probiotic/bioaugmenter for controlling pathogenic Vibrio in Sri Lankan shrimp culture systems
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Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya
Bacillus species are the major probiotic bacteria used in both hatchery and grow-out systems
of tropical shrimp culture industry to control pathogenic Vibrio species. Our previous works
have confirmed that the use of a locally produced probiotic/bioaugmenter containing a locally
isolated strain of Bacillus subtilis could contribute significantly in producing healthy post
larvae of Penaeus monodon and in obtaining a profitable harvest from grow-out ponds
compared to systems that did not use the product. Therefore, present study was planned to
isolate different isolates of Bacillus subtilis to improve that probiotic or to formulate a new
probiotic with improved performances. Samples of apparently healthy black tiger shrimp, P.
monodon residing in estuaries in the North Western Province were transported to the
laboratory. Gastrointestinal tract samples of the shrimp were first subjected to heat treatment
(to kill non-spore forming bacteria) and isolation, purification and characterization of
different isolates of Bacillus subtilis were carried out following standard microbiological
procedures. Isolates were identified as different strains of Bacillus subtilis by biochemical
tests in API 20E and API 50 CHB test kits (bioMerieux, France).
Out of the nine different isolates of B. subtilis, only three displayed high growth rate while
tolerating wide range of salinity (5gL-1 to 35gL-1) and pH (6 to 10). Antagonistic properties
of those three isolates of B. subtilis on five species of pathogenic Vibrio of cultured shrimp in
Sri Lanka (isolated and identified in our previous work) were investigated. The diameter of
inhibitory zones produced by the new isolates of B. subtilis on the pathogenic Vibrio species
ranged from 2 to 4 mm; they could be used to improve the locally produced
probiotic/bioaugmentor. The selected three isolates of B. subtilis have been sent for the
confirmation of strain type by DNA analysis.
Penaeus monodon, pathogenic Vibrio, Bacillus subtilis
Hettiarachchi, D.C., Kumara, K.R.P.S. and Hettiarachchi, M. 2015. Different isolates of Bacillus subtilis from gastrointestinal tract of wild caught black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon to improve a locally produced probiotic/bioaugmenter for controlling pathogenic Vibrio in Sri Lankan shrimp culture systems, p. 185, In: Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Research Conference 2015 University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, (Abstract), 339 pp.