IPRC - 2015

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    Women in Sri Lankan Historiography
    (Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Chandrika, A.M.M.
    The study of women runs through different subject streams. It would seem that the vision about women changed with time in the field of history. This state can be further determined by the investigation of views about women in historical writings. It appears that in the modern historical discussions about the woman, the discussions of them are done in a novel way using the concept of feminism in a broad perspective. However, the difficulties faced by the historians to bring forth the discussions about the ancient woman are that the sources do not provide considerable opportunities for the matter. Therefore, the history about the woman can be shown as a social phenomenon isolated from the popular historical streams and the standard sources. The authors who wrote books on ancient history from a male point of view rarely gave the personal names of women unless if she were a mother of a majestic ruler or a wife who safeguarded her chastity. Accordingly, the objective of this study is to investigate the difficulties which historians faced in constructing the women‘s history of Sri Lanka. Dīpavaṁsa and Mahāvaṁa which are considered as the main two chronicles in describing the history of the island, and using the other literary text and archaeological data and also by considering the researchers conducted in Sri Lankan about the woman, it is important to investigate the quantitative and qualitative profile of woman in Sri Lankan historiography. Dīpavaṁsa which is considered as the oldest chronicle to establish the traditional history of the island takes an important position in order to establish the history of woman, because it is considered that the authorship of the book is attributed to Buddhist nuns. But the traditional acceptance is that when establishing the history of women the details mentioned in the Mahāvaṁsa and other literature books written thereafter about women were very little and therefore, their contribution is very limited. In this context, while it is said that the participation of women in the political, social, economic and cultural structures was comparatively low but about the participation of women was mentioned to a certain extent in each field. But the majority bears the opinion that when the ancient history is written justice was not caused to the women. Accordingly, when finding about the quantitative and qualitative state of the women in historiography and when investigating the status of women in whole historiography it is clear that the contributions of sources are comparatively lower when establishing the history of women than the establishment of political and religious history and it is clear that the same factor will hinder the historical researches carried out by historians.
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    Women & Human Rights Violations in India: Focus on Manipur and Odisha
    (Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Mohapatra, P.
    The French Historian Michel Foucault highlights sexuality as a construct and presents its genealogical history. For him, sexuality is a mode by which one understands the exercise of power and how a certain kind of ‗sexual‘ subjectivity encourages the disciplinary mode of power. By crafting a certain kind of imagery for the female body and its sexual desires the woman is absorbed into the normative structure of society that is defined by patriarchy. Patriarchy is an endemic historical and cultural practice that exacts an all-encompassing hegemony. Moreover, Sylvia Walby defines Patriarchy ―as a system of social structures and practices in which men dominate, oppress and exploit women‖. When Walby uses the term social strucutes she is implying that this system of control, domination and oppression is not biologically determined. Contextually ‗Patriarchy‘ is based on a sytem of power relations which are hierarchical and unequal where men control women‘s production, reproduction and sexutality. Acceptance of traditional masculine gender roels in a patriarchal society is closely connected with escalating violence towards women. Several complex and interconnected institutionalized social and cultural factors have kept Indian women vulnerable to the violence directed at them, all of them manifestations of historically unequal power relations between men and women actors. Coming to north-eastern region there is an ongoing struggle by people trying to establish their right to autonomy which has led to political instability, strife and outright violence in the region. Ethnic conflict, arm conflicts, insurrection movement and issue of poverty and injustice is inextricably interlinked and have its impact on status of women. Although women in North-East India enjoy greater mobility and visibility than women of other communities in the country data collected by the North East Network suggests that violence against women is on the rise in the North-east. The ongoing armed conflict situation prevalent in the North East India has intensified the violence faced by women which takes the form of sexual, mental or physical abuse, killings and clashes. The region under the shadow of conflict has witnessed a resurgence of patriarchal values and norms which have brought with them new restrictions on the movement of women, the way they dress and more overtly physical violence such as rape which is systematically used as a tactics against a particular community. In this paper an attempt has been made to make a comparative study with the scenario in Odisha where the onset of liberalization has not helped the larger cause of gender sensitivity in any way. The National Crime Records Bureau has reported 6249 cases of violence against women including 799 rape cases, 547 abduction cases, 334 dowry deaths and 1671 cases of cruelty by husband and relatives of women in Odisha.
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    Web GIS Based Data Collection System for Environmental Managers
    (Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Dissanayake, D.M.S.L.B.
    Web Geographical Information System (GIS) is a new pattern for delivering GIS capabilities into the hands of the people excepting geographical boundary and one pathway to access the Global village which is new paradigm in the cyber space application. GIS related spatial field data collection is required for many reasons. such as Ground Control Points (GCPs), Sampling, applications, current database updating, data aviation...etc . Traditional field data collection methods are time and capital consuming heave task which is not suitable for addressing in emergency case. In addition to that, traditional data collection method deal with paperwork and point to point data collection practices which is burning many human hours. The created system will be facilitated to collect point data with other attribute that are define by the programmer and Google API system. Web system was created using HTML 5 and PHP language. Google map class library and java script library were used to render the Google map to the web GIS system and My SQL database is used to store the data. In addition to that, Several software packages have been used such as adobe dreamweaver, adobe photoshop, PHP editor,Java,Ajax,ArcGIS,Arcserver…..etc. Web administrator will be able to change whole content or part of the content of the system and define user privileges to access the system. Any user will be able to enter the data to the system under the privileges of the administrator. In same platform user will be able to edit, delete and update data that area entered by himself. The system will facilitate to download collected data as a Ms Excel data sheet and KML file which are supported to Arc GIS and other GISsoftware.
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    Vidyalankara Pirivena of 1940s; is it an alternative monastic model?
    (Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Dhammananda Thero, Galkande
    Vidyalankara Pirivena was founded in 1875 and subsequently it developed into one of the two leading monastic education centers in Sri Lanka. The zenith of its development as an education center was marked by its promotion into a full pledged university in 1959. Apart from the contribution made for the development of education in Sri Lanka this particular monastic institution was engaged in direct ‗political activities‘ particularly after 1940s. This very ‗unconventional political engagement‘ of the monks of this institution has been interpreted by researchers either as a ‗deviation from the original role of the monks‘ or as ‗doing justice to the historical nationalist role of the monks‘. However, in this present research the above intervention by the monks of Vidyalankara is looked at afresh in a different angle. All the available literature produced by the Vidyalankara monks and their opponent schools and groups, biographies of the relevant people, literature produced by the leftist political parties, relevant reports and proceedings of State Council and the newspaper articles are the major sources used in this research. Apart from that certain audio and visual material would also be utilized. The vision and the mission proposed through all the engagements of the Vidyalankara monks in 1940 are tested against different Buddhist monastic models that have been inferred through historical researches and deduced the conclusion that it is not just a mere ‗political engagement only' but a profound monastic modal that can be understood as an alternative to the monastic systems existed at the time.
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    Use of Electronic Resources for Buddhist Studies: A Case Study
    (Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Sumana Thero, Bodagama
    Electronic resources are two types. They are online e–resources and off line e–resources. An "electronic resource" is defined as any work encoded and made available for access through the use of a computer. It includes electronic data available by (1) remote access and (2) direct access (fixed media). In other words: Remote access (electronic resources) refers to the use of electronic resources via computer networks. (AACR2, 2002 edition; glossary) Off–line eresources are CD–Rom, Thipitaka –CD, Mettanet – CD, Dhammapada–CD, Diskettes, VCD/ DVD, e–card. Online e-resources are Institutional & Personal website, OPAC & web OPACS, Electronic Databases e–publications, e–books, e–journals, and e-prints, e–articles. There are Encyclopedias, full-text journals, Newspapers, company information, e-books economic data ―digital images" industry profiles, market, Research, dictionaries in electronic resources. This study is on how to use electronic resources for Buddhist Studies. We can find information on Buddhism from Chatta sangayana CD, Dammapada CD and other Dhamma CD. Today we have computer and internet facilities. Therefore, without books, we can study on Buddhism. As a web page, Buddha Net covers all Buddhist resources. There are Buddhist manuscripts, suttas, jathaka tales, online courses and rare books such as Vimukthimagga. E – Library concept on web helps to reader every time to find and search Buddhist sources. Pali Canon and other important Dhamma books are availble as PDF, e-books, and e- journals in web pages. Example: Buddhist studies virtual library, Pali text society and vipassana research institute. These Libraries provide access to a variety of electronic books, as well as the other printed works (such as essays, poems, or historical documents). Some of these electronic books and texts are part of large, searchable databases.
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    Use of Electronic Media for Academic Purposes among the University Students: special reference with faculty of social sciences, University of Kelaniya
    (Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015) Dilinika, J.M.S.; Jayawardana, M.C.N.
    Within the Information society, electronic media are playing vital role. It has revolutionized the information system and sessions. Electronic media comes with various forms such as Ebooks, online databases, CD, DVD and etc. Through the electronic media Students make aware himself with the current information and updates. The study investigated the usage of electronic media by the students. The objectives of the study were to examine how the university students search required information from the electronic media and to identify the usage of electronic media for academic purposes and to ascertain the problems encountered by the university students in the process of searching of information. Structured questionnaires were distributed among 100 first year undergraduates in the Faculty of Social Science, University of Kelaniya. Questionnaire was the main data gathering method. It was identified that from the total population only 44% students use electronic media for their academic works. According to the results 20% percent of students use e-books to search information, 8% percent use online databases and 10% Percent of students use e-Journals. Another 6% use CD/DVD to find academic information. But, 56% Percent of students didn‘t appear to use electronic media for their academic works. Major Reason for this issue is students used to go for the university library for search information without electronic concept. Other Problems were lack of awareness about electronic media, Connection problems and Students used to surf internet only as a social media. Suggestions were made to conduct training sessions, workshops in order to awareness among stakeholders.