IGamma- ray irradiation as a method for sterilization of males of Aedes albopictus (skuse) for its control through Sterile Insect Technique (SIT)
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Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya
Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) can be integrated with other conventional control methods to
suppress population of Aedes albopictus, a vector of dengue in Sri Lanka. A study was
conducted to determine the effective dose of gamma radiation for producing sterile males of
Ae. albopictus mosquitoes.
A batch of male pupae (n=32) aged 24-48 hours in F1 was irradiated using Gamma 220,
(Co60) irradiator with 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70Gy in duplicates. Adult emergence rate and
male longevity were recorded. Virgin females from the same cohort (F1) were introduced
into each cage for mating and fed blood starting 5 days after emergence. Then, females were
isolated in individual tubes and hatching rate of individual egg batches was calculated after
two weeks of egg maturation in hatching solution. Spermacheca of female mosquitoes were
dissected and insemination rates were calculated after egg laying.
Male mosquito pupae in F1 showed low mortality (0-3.12%) immediately after exposing to
radiation (0-48 hours). After 14 days of the irradiation, survival rate of male mosquitoes in F1
were 82.7%, 79.7%, 56.3%, 73.4%, 76.6%, 76.1% and 56.3% when irradiated at 0Gy, 25Gy,
30Gy, 40Gy, 50Gy, 60Gy and 70Gy respectively. No significant difference was observed
among survival of males in different doses except in 30 Gy and 70 Gy (Kaplan-Meier
survival analysis, Log Rank test). Low survival rate at 30 Gy could be due to mosquito
handling errors and need to be retested. Based on the hatching rate of the F2 progeny, males
(F1) showed 89%, 93%, 97%, 99%, 99% and 100% sterility when irradiated at 25Gy, 30Gy,
40Gy, 50Gy, 60Gy and 70Gy respectively. Insemination rate of the irradiated males among
different doses and controls were above 90% in F1 based on spermatheca dissection of bloodfed
females (F1).
50 Gy is recommended as the most suitable radiation dose to produce 99% sterility in Ae.
albopictus males which has 76% survival after 14 days of irradiation. This dose can be used
to produce sterile males of Ae. albopictus for a SIT programme.
Dengue, Aedes albopictus, Gamma rays, Irradiation, Sterile Insect Technique
Harishchandra, J., Abeyewickreme, W., Hapugoda, M.D., Premaratne, R.G. and Gilles, J.R.L. 2015. IGamma- ray irradiation as a method for sterilization of males of Aedes albopictus (skuse) for its control through Sterile Insect Technique (SIT), p. 143, In: Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Research Conference 2015 University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, (Abstract), 339 pp.