The Impact of Product Portfolio Composition on Corporate Brand in FMCG Industry; with Special Reference to Sri Lanka
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Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka.
Most of large FMCG companies recently focus on corporate brand activities in internationally as well as locally. As a result of that customers becoming aware about the company behind the multiple product brands. There is a huge competition in the FMCG industry, therefore companies use to adopt different strategies to face the competition. Corporate branding is one tool undertaken by the big FMCG companies.
Thus the objective of this paper is to understand the impact of multi product brand or different product portfolios on customer’s evaluation of corporate brand practically in Sri Lanka. The paper aims at investigating how corporate brand influenced by different product portfolio compositions in practical context. Mainly these portfolio composition divided into categories homogeneous and heterogeneous portfolio. When develop these portfolios researcher considered real world FMCG environment and investigated its behavior.
For this purpose, 200 respondent were selected by using multi stage mix sampling method. The data analysis covered correlation and regression by using the 20.0 of SPSS package. Results revealed that product portfolio composition and corporate brand has positive correlation, especially for homogeneous portfolios. It has identified that the high fit product portfolios or similar range of product portfolio developing FMCG Company has a strong relationship with corporate brand rather diversified product portfolio manufacturing companies (LF).
Corporate branding, FMCG industry in Sri Lanka, Product Portfolio impact
Dias, K.M.G.M.H. and Bandara, B.S.S.U.(2017).The Impact of Product Portfolio Composition on Corporate Brand in FMCG Industry; with Special Reference to Sri Lanka.2nd Student Research Conference on Marketing (SRCM), Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya. p 74.