Gender of the Consumer and Service Quality
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Banking and financial services are a demand,driven industry; which constitute an important part of the
services iLn.MduwsotLrryJ.. tMfr@antLy! tr9e6g@ulLaqt.ovrrJy,, ns.ttrwuLctwtu,uraL l a@nr.dql iLg?ct htLnrLoUloLUgSiccLaqlL acthruatnLg5ec)s thaauvvce tLaukLeernL PpLliUcLev wyvLitLhtLiLnt, tLhItec wwuolrLlud Management,
banking industry, in line with the trend towards a rfuire integrated global banking environment.The banking Faculty of commerce
sector in Sri Lanka grew rapidly in the recent years. Services sector accounts 56.2Vo of Gross Domestic and. Management
Product in Sri Lankan economy which is the highest in all sectors where as the financial services which ,, . studies'
includes banking industry contribute 9.7vo to total Gross Domestic Producti Furthir in Sri tan*a, fi";";;"luniversiry "'rf:':::o::
system of the country mninly depends on banking system because banking sector represents o share of 70.8?o
of total financial system of the economy. The rapidly changing and highly competitive environment which
banks are forced to operate within are pushing them to rethink about their attitude towards customer
satisfoction and optimization of service quality. Therefore identifying the significance of the gender of the
consumers' on the evaluation of service quality in the retail commercial banking industry of Sri lnnka is
significantly important. Further it is worth to identifu whether there is any dffirence based on the gender of
the consumers on evaluation of service quality of the banks that they are dealing with. Based on the stratified
sampling technique 150 consumers were selected as the sample. The scope of the study was retail consumers of
private and public commercial banks situated in the Gampaha district, who have been dealing with those
particular banlcs more than two years. Survey method used to gather primary data and it was developed on
SERVQUAL model of sewice quality. The gathered data were analyzed using ANOVA andfindings showed that
there is no any dffirence among the consumer groups based on their gender in terms of evaluation of service
quality provided by the banks.
Herath, H.M.R.P. and Wanninayake, W.M.C.B. 2009. Gender of the Consumer and Service Quality. Journal of Commerce and Trade, Bi-annual Publication of Society for Advanced Management Studies, 04(02): 05-13.