Impact of Advance Computing and Technology to Manage Energy Resources. (This paper considered for an electricity usage in Sri-Lanka)
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Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Electricity, the essence of life. It is one of the important supplement to run our lives, in the
modern world. In the past, electricity used only to power up equipment we tend to use.
Eventually Its lead to change with modern life style. Electricity currently (presently) not only
use for power up homes or Industry, it is started to use for multiple energy sector too. With this
peak electricity usage, energy efficiency is critical in proper household and Industry
management. Hence the Sri Lankan government tend to find out various methods to generate
more electricity. By researching author able to identify the massive increase of electricity
consuming when comparing with past years and every year consumption increase. Consuming
energy increases day by day, the Government not able to provide sufficient electricity
requirement to the country and it can lead country to some anonymous difficulties. As a
consumer, consumers should also take responsibility to adapt and understand the situation.
Locally higher percentage of the consumers are not aware new advance technologies available
for them to use to manage the electricity usage much better ways than the present methods they
used. As an example, most of the electricity consumers use government or privet sector
generated electricity and they end up with high expenses for the electricity. While researching
author identifies present world there are many options consumers can implement to reduce their
consumption, but most consumers not aware about the available solutions and possibilities they
have. One example consumers are unaware that they are able to set up solar panels to generate
electricity and the generated electricity could set against with the consumed electricity by the
user. Applying this method, consumers are able to save money and also be able to support to
save natural resources. Furthermore, the major issue is local consumer’s lack of knowledge
about their unwanted electricity usage and the available methods to use for manage their
electricity usage appropriately. Local consumers are unaware the technology used by the
developed countries to make their life easy and effectively manage the limited resources. By
research author recognize available solutions to track down or control electric appliances such
as time sensitive switches, sensor switches, smart switches. Some of the solutions are grouped
and used to achieve the outcome consumers expecting. Furthermore, these solutions been more
developed and thus adapt to the modern world technologies such as control the appliances using
mobile devices. These advanced technologies already in used in globally. As an example, Home
Automation Systems in developed countries are popular technology used for manage their day
to day life electricity consumption. Using this technology, consumers are able to monitor the
equipment consuming electricity and manage the consumption level even they are not in the
premises. Hence, there will not be mismanage an electricity usage. Due to unknown of this
Advance Computing Technologies by the local consumers, leads to critical in proper household
and Industry management. Considering all these factors found while researching, Author
recommend to local consumers to begin with these new Advance Computing technologies to
manage energy efficiency and reduce their life complexity.
Advance Computing, Electricity, technology, efficiency, consumer
Fernando, T.A. 2016. Impact of Advance Computing and Technology to Manage Energy Resources. (This paper considered for an electricity usage in Sri-Lanka). In proceedings of the 17th Conference on Postgraduate Research, International Postgraduate Research Conference 2016, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p 26.