Impact of Brand Equity on Purchase Intention towards Local Apparel Brands.
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Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya
This study is undertaken to identify what extent of brand equity influence to purchasing intention towards local apparel brands in Sri Lanka. Due to high competitiveness of the market place and competitive foreign brands this industry has become too complex. The observed all researches are considered at global context and therefore this research study has taken in to consideration of Sri Lankan context.
The primary objective of this research study is to determine the impact of brand equity to purchasing intention towards local apparel brands in Sri Lanka. While achieving the main objective researcher set sub objectives which are in line with the primary objective.
This research study comes under descriptive nature and researcher used mix data collection technique to gather data to collect ideas and opinions from respondents. The researcher used convenience sampling technique to recognized research sample and used SPSS 20.0 to analyze gathered data from the respondents.
As per research out comes, brand equity factors such as, perceived quality, brand association, brand loyalty, brand awareness brand image factors have much impact on purchase intention towards local apparel brands. Researcher has found most influencing factors as brand image and perceived quality, .Further has identified recommendation, positive word of mouth, those purchasing intention indicators have a connection between brand equity. According to the study marketers need to focus on brand equity factors according to above findings.
Brand equity, Purchase Intention, Perceived Quality, Brand loyalty
Swarnawimala, H.M.R and Patabendige, S.S.J.2016.Impact of Brand Equity on Purchase Intention towards Local Apparel Brands.1st Student Research Conference on Marketing (SRCM), Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya. p 53.