The Consumer Perception towards Internet Banking Adoption in Sri Lanka (With Special Reference to State Bank Consumers in Gampaha District)

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Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka


Internet Banking offers banks a new frontier of opportunities and challenges in the contemporary global banking market. The demand for internet banking in Sri Lanka is relatively low despite the recent improvements of information and communication technology. This study attempts to investigate an insight into the determinants of the state bank customers’ perception towards the adoption of Internet banking services with paying special attention to the role of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived security and risk, relative advantage and compatibility. This study will extend existing body of Internet banking literature by providing rich insight on state bank consumer perception behaviour in Sri Lankan context. A research model grounded on the technology acceptance model (TAM) and Theory of planned behaviour (TPB) model. Data were collected from primary sources and online questionnaire survey is used to gather data from selected random sample of 300 state banking customers who were internet users from Gampaha district. Data analysis procedure will be conducted through the SPSS and E-Views software and Spearman’s rank correlation test will use to measure the relationship since gathered data were in form of Likert type scale and it assess the hypotheses. The findings of this study will expect to make several contributions to the academic literature and the banking industry about the consumer decision process on Internet banking and the results will be important to the banks to strategically plan their products and service offerings.



Internet Banking, Consumer Perception, State bank, Sri Lanka


Fernando, D.T.M.; Madurapperuma, M.W. (2021), The Consumer Perception towards Internet Banking Adoption in Sri Lanka (With Special Reference to State Bank Consumers in Gampaha District), 07th International Conference for accounting researchers & educators, Department of Accountancy (ICARE 2021), Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 47p.




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