Influence of Dietary Pattern and Personal Habits on Dental and Gingival Diseases-A Survey Study
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International Journal of Ayurveda
Orai health is reiated to diet in man1, ways; for an example, nuti'itional influence on
craniofacial development, oral cancer and oral infechous diseases. Dental diseases impacL considerably
on self-esteem and qtiality of life and treatmenis are expensive. The raost common diseases of the mouth
which the rlentai health practitioners come across are dental caries and periodontal diseases. Unique
characteristics of these diseases are; they have universal prevaience, they do not unclergo renission or
termination if lefl unlreated but accumulate a backlog of unmel needs, Dental diseases include dental
caries, developmental defecis of enamel, dental evosion and periorlontai disease" The main cause of tr:oth
loss is dental caries in which diet plays an important role. Diet also plays a significant etiological role in
dental erosion, the prevalence of rvhich seems to be increasrng, and dietail, components may conlribute
to development of enamel defects (e.g. enamel hypoplasia, fluorosis), However, in modern societies, diet
and nutrition plai,' a relatively minor role in the etiology of periodontal dieease {gum disease). another
cause r:f tooth loss in adults. The present study is rnainly focus to find out the in{luence of dietary pattern
and personal habits on dental and periodontal diseases. Data were coilected randomly from 250 patients
ofboth sex and all age groups by questionnaire wi;h individuai discussion and anaiSrzed by percenlages.
Among lhose, the age group bet,ween 21-30 were recorded the highlv affected age group of dentai and
gingival diseases. Less than 40% o{ patients had affects the dietary habits on occurring dental and
periodontal tliseases. Also it is revealed that the comrnunity hasn't an explicit awareness on oral hygiene.
Conclusion was drawn that dietary pattern and personal habits are causative factors on occuring dental
and periodontal diseases.
Dietary Pattern, Personal flabits, Dental and Gingiual Diseaset
Abegunasekara,N.S. and Peiris,K.P.P, Influence of Dietary Pattern and Personal Habits on Dental and Gingival Diseases-A Survey Study, Kiban research publications, International Journal of Ayurveda, Vol.04(2), ISSN:2456-6640