Factors Determining Work Related Stress on Machine Operators at ABC Private Limited
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Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka
Garment industry is one of the largest export earning sources in Sri Lanka. Yet, apparel Industry faces many challenges. Among them, work related stress among machine operators needs urgent attntetion by the managers. This study was dedicated to investigate the factor influencing work related stress of machine operateros, using the evidence obtained from the ABC Private limited. The previous studies have found that different factors such as anxiety and depression as factors that influence work related stress. However, long working hours, work overload, and poor relationship with supervisor and peers are also considered major factors which influence work related stress. Less numbers of studies have been conducted on factors determining work related stress within garment industry. This research was conducted as a quantitative survey method. Simple random sampling technique was used in selecting the sample items. Sample size was 160 machine operators, out of them 150 responeded to questionnarires. Standard questionnaires were used to collect primary data. The collected data were analyzed with the support of SPSS encoding descriptive statistics, multiple liner regression, and residual analysis for model fitness. Based on the multiple liner regression output, alternate hypothesis were tested. This research found a positive relationship between factors of; long working hours, work overload, and poor relationship with supervisor and peers and work-related stress. Based on the finding, the researchers recommended to develop a work-related stress management program. Future researchers can be done by considering other factors that affect work related stress.
Work related stress, Long working hours, Work overload, Poor relationship with supervisor and peers, Machine operators
Hewapathirana, C. M.; Devadas, U. M. (2022), Factors Determining Work Related Stress on Machine Operators at ABC Private Limited, 9th HRM Student Research Symposium, Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka, 38.