Can We Place Entire Web site Development Cost in One Bucket?
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Department of Accountancy, University of Kelaniya
NK Logistics (Pvt) Ltd is a limited liability company incorporated in and
domiciled in Sri Lanka. The company has invested in a fully owned subsidiary
called “TT Destinations (Pvt) Ltd” in the audited financial year, i.e.; 2014/2015.
Its’ principal business activity is to provide transportation service. Normally
company organizes tourist trips for both local & foreign tourists. In addition they
provide vehicle hiring service, air ticket booking and hotel accommodation
Usually businesses tend to charges all the expenses with regards to web
development, especially relatively small businesses like “TT Destinations (Pvt)
Ltd”. They always feel that it is justifiable & easy to charge them to P/L. However
firms should consider nature of those expenses before record as an expense.
Dayananda, K.H.N.K. & Thilakrathne, P.M.C. 2016. Can We Place Entire Web site Development Cost in One Bucket?. Case Studies in Accounting “Bridging the Gap”, 03: pp. 92-94. Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.