The Comparative Study of Generation X and Generation Y; Their Work-Life Balance

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Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka


The prevailing economic crisis in the country led the organizations to enhance worklife balance within every organization because nowadays every person is struggling to live. Therefore, the objective of the current study was to identify the differences between Generation X and Generation Y. This study intends to contribute to filling the theoretical and empirical gap in the existing literature within the Sri Lankan context. Hence this was a quantitative and cross-sectional study which was based on an organization in Informational Technology Industry. Data were collected through a structured questionnaire using a convenient sampling technique. T-test for sample groups were used to measure the difference between the two generations and to test the advanced hypotheses of the study by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The analyzed results show that there is a significant difference between Generation X and Y in their work-life balance. Furthermore, this study is a move for organizational management to take necessary actions to create satisfied employees within the organization with the support of supervisors and peers. Moreover, this study was limited only to one particular company in the Informational Technology Industry in Sri Lanka and all 235 employees are included in the population for this study. Stratified random sampling was used to select the sample from the population. Therefore, the current study suggested that to conduct the study by considering all organizations in the business world within Sri Lanka to get an effective output from future research.



Family-Work Conflict, Generation X, Generation Y, Life Satisfaction, Work Satisfaction, Work-Family Conflict, Work-Life Balance


Chandrarathna, W. D. P. S. H.; Welmilla, I. (2024), The Comparative Study of Generation X and Generation Y; Their Work-Life Balance, 10th HRM Student Research Symposium, Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka. 20.



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