Social Geographical study on early adolescent pregnancy: a case study in the Warakapola divisional secretariat division
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University of Kelaniya
Early adolescent pregnancy (within the age groups of 10-19) has become a critical issue in
the contemporary world as well as in Sri Lanka. This leads to cripple the society in many
ways since it has already created many problems in terms of socio-economic, cultural, and
family problems around the world. As a developing country, where majority of Sri Lankan
yet live in economically backward rural areas the problem of early adolescent pregnancy
has become a critical barrier to the development process.
The present paper discusses the issue in detail pertaining to the three mid-wife areas in
Warakapola divisional secretariat division. Data was collected for this study, mainly through
the field studies using questionnaire. As sample of 30 mothers out of 87 cases recorded, for
2000-2006 was selected for the survey. Statistical methods and the Geographical Information
Systems have assisted for data analysis. According to the study poverty is the main reason
to the process. The mental poverty was the outstanding problem among these. And also
the educational level, caste system, level of living, and degree of social integrity strongly
affect the intensity of occurrence of early adolescent pregnancy in the study area. Majority
of the early adolescent mothers live with their legal husbands. Many mothers are worried
about their fate, but some of them are satisfied with their family life and children. Their
main request is a permanent source of income to settle their basic economic problems. This
study explored a single aspect of social problems, which leads to create a link with the
other problems in the rural areas of Sri Lanka. Therefore, the findings of this study would
be important in numerous ways to policy makers, planners and other relevant researchers,
in order to assist and guide in regulating the process of granting redress for the suffering.
Besides the conclusion of the study suggests certain measures to lessen the impact of this
Social geography, Early adolescence pregnancy
Rathnasekara, S.R.L.S., 2008. Social Geographical study on early adolescent pregnancy: a case study in the Warakapola divisional secretariat division, Proceedings of the Annual Research Symposium 2008, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, pp 81.