Semantics of Region and ASEAN
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Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya
The term ‗region‘ with its manifold semantic manifestations and attributions has become a
prominent academic ambiguity in the discipline of International Relations. As viewed by
John Agnew, the idea of ―geographical designation to the region‖ has become a frequent
controversy among the academia. Hence regions are no longer considered as homogenized
and pre-determined territorial units. Instead, now regions are mostly defined through
constructive lenses by focusing on their ideational dimensions. Although numerous detailed
academic inquiries from different scholarly lenses have been conducted, a systematic
representation of the semantics of region is overlooked by the most of existing scholarly
work in the field. Neither they are systematically arranged nor adequately ordered in a
manner through which it can provide a logical understanding.
Therefore semantics of region have become more scattered and complicated phenomena.
Given this complexity, it seems that defining or conceptual framing of the idea of region is a
challenge. What are regions? How and why regions are formed? In what sense regions can be
identified? These are some of frequent questions asked by the researchers who have been
deeply involved in the matter. The answers given to these questions are also multiple and
competing. As a result, generally accepted consensus among academia regarding the term
‗region‘ is clearly absence.
Primarily this study looks for a schematic agenda through which these semantics can be
logically arranged incorporating certain models of scientific representation such as
taxonomies, tabulations, matrix analysis and mapping .In doing so, both qualitative and
quantitative approaches will be incorporated into the study. In line with the proposed
schematic arrangement; the study intends to reveal the existing patterns of understanding to
the concept while adopting the case study of ASEAN. Further it examines how the ASEAN
and its different institutional and policy aspects are applicable to multiple semantic clusters of
the region. Finally the study proposes a holistic and systematic framework for semantics of
the region through which ASEAN can be systematically explained.
Region, Semantics, ASEAN, Scientific Representation
Padmakumara, S.C. 2015. Semantics of Region and ASEAN, p. 305, In: Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Research Conference 2015 University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, (Abstract), 339 pp.