A Case Study Review of Strategic Acquisitions of Synergic PLC
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Staff Development Unit, Faculty of Commerce & Management Studies, University of Kelaniya
Synergic Holding PLC initiated operations in 1991 as a software
development company. It was incorporated as a private limited
company in 1998 and obtained a listing in the Colombo Stock
Exchange in June 2011. Soon after the incorporation they became
the sole authorized distributor for DELL Computers in Sri Lanka.
Gerrys Synergic (Pvt) Ltd started as a joint venture with Gerrys
Holdings (Pvt) Ltd in Pakistan, fulfilling Mr. Alok Pathirathne’s
(the founder of Synergic Holdings PLC) dream of ‘going global’.
Synergic Company’s move towards furniture retail, from IT
related activities was the first instance they adopted the
diversification strategy. At present the Synergic Holding PLC is
rated as one of Sri Lanka’s most energetic and aggressive
conglomerates. The diversified key sectors are Information and
Communication Technology, Healthcare, Retail, Financial
Services, Automobiles and Leisure. This case study specifically
underlines the strategic acquisition of Rovel PLC which took
place in the year 2014.
Rovel PLC initiated its operations in 1989, in a small retail
outlet. Today, Rovel’s flagship department store is a 36,000
square foot, lavishly appointed store and it owns 20 other outlets
in many strategically important locations.
Rovel operates at the top end of the retail fashion market, where
it has carved out a niche through a highly focused approach
targeted at the upper-middle and higher-income groups, Rovel
has maintained its leadership position by providing a modern,
world-class retail environment that has become the standard for
the South Asian region. Rovel is not only Sri Lanka’s leading
fashion brand, but with a wide array of products, it is also Sri
Lanka’s only genuine department store. Rovel has achieved the
status of an iconic brand with its tireless ability to reinvent itself
at regular intervals.
The recent acquisition of Rovel PLC by Synergic Holdings has
created a major upheaval amongst the business community and
the media. One main intention behind the said acquisition was
Synergic’s motive of working with Parkson, the largest
shareholder of Rovel. However the withdrawal of Parkson from
Rovel PLC left Synergic’s efforts futile. Also after the said
acquisition, Synergic’s excessive borrowings have resulted with
its Fitch Rating being downgraded by two notches. The boards of
directors now are contemplating about the survival of the
company with its existing structure.
Morawakage, P.S., K.M.K.N.S. Kulathunga, W.B.M.D. Basnayake, M.R.P. Wijesinghe, S.M. Chandrasena and S.D.P. Piyananda 2015. A Case Study Review of Strategic Acquisitions of Synergic PLC. Staff Development Unit, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 56 pp.