Factors Affecting the Job Dissatisfaction of Junior Female Academics at University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka: With Special Reference to the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce and The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

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Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka


‘Education’ is an extremely important component in the life of all human beings. At present, the major role of distributing education is been played by educational institutions. Universities can be regarded as the apex of the educational ladder. This study has been conducted with reference to the junior female academics. Here the term ‘junior female academics’ refers to the female academics under the probationary category. The purpose of narrowing down the theme in the above manner is due to the research gap that has been identified by the researcher after going through the literature review. The main purpose of conducting this study is to identify the factors affecting the job dissatisfaction of junior female academics at universities and provide recommendations to increase their job satisfaction. The population of this study is limited to all the junior female academics of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. The size of the sample is 20 and the sample has been selected purposively. Primary data was collected by the use of in-depth interviews. Gathered data has been analyzed qualitatively. The study has revealed that no junior female academic is fully satisfied with their job or fully dissatisfied with their job. According to this study, the factors affecting the job dissatisfaction were related to working environment, work relations, advancement, empowerment, recognition, and work load. As per the second objective of the study, to overcome those dissatisfactory factors, this study has suggested the recommendations such as fair treatments, rewarding hard work, good induction process, promote autonomy, assigning meaningful jobs and providing the required facilities.



Education, Job Dissatisfaction, Junior Female Academics


Sellahewa, W. N.(2020) Factors Affecting the Job Dissatisfaction of Junior Female Academics at University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka: With Special Reference to the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce and The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. 11th International Conference on Business & Information, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.Pag.31




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