Palmyrah (Boarssus flabellifer L.)is 3 tree found growing in arid climates. It has an edible fruit pulp. Previous work had shown that Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) mice fed with 10% fruit pulp in standard feed showed reduced weight gain due to bitter steroidal saponins termed flabelliferin-II. The effecr of this pulp and flabelliferin-II on glucose uptake was studied. At a dose of 10mg/mouse, mixed flabelliferins (with 2.5 mg flabelliferin II) reduced blood glucose after glucose challenge (p < 0.001), increased faecal glucose (p <0.001) 2nd intestinal glucose (p < 0.001), but not faecal glucose (p=0.62). The latter is probably due to the removal of flabelliferin triglycoside which is antimicrobial. The antimicrobial component and two other flabelliferins did not show the above effect. As the pulp is non-toxic it may find application as a functional food.