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    How storytelling influences promotion and education purpose of a cultural heritage: A study on Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Memorial Museum
    (Centre for Heritage Studies, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2019) Chakraborty, Barota; Jahan, Qazi Afrin
    Though cultural heritages are interpreted differently to different people over the globe, they tend to secure the significance and development of cultural wealth for future generations. Many museums around the world have historically adopted storytelling techniques to retain, accumulate and transmit information to the audiences. Beyond the pure entertainment factor, this mode can also be used to convey important information and even for educational purposes. The Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Memorial Museum is a memorial museum, situated in Dhaka, Bangladesh which was the personal residence of the Father of the nation and the then, President of Bangladesh, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Later, he along with most of his family members was assassinated in this residence in 1975. Drawing on interviews with 30 people, from the selected museum, applying the non- probability judgmental sampling technique, this study will address the identification of types of storytelling techniques applied in the museum. It will also examine and evaluate how the various storytelling techniques used in the museum contribute to the promotion of the museum. Furthermore, it will investigate how the audiences are educated with the life events of the Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his family members, through the application of storytelling techniques used in the museum.
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    Asian Elephants in Sri Lanka: A Selective Annotated Bibliography
    (Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) de Silva, A.P.U.
    The Asian or Asiatic elephants called as Elephas maximus are distributed in South- East Asia from India in the West to Borneo in the East. Normally the Asian elephant is smaller than the African elephant. As such Asian elephants are often exaggerated. Asian Elephants in Sri Lanka is very popular and very important topic at present. Besides there is a gigantic connection between elephants and Sri Lankan society. Elephants are connected with various aspects such as zoological aspects, ecological and environmental aspects, historical aspects, art and religious aspects, literature and folklore aspects and sociological aspects. However there is limited literature related to Asian elephants in Sri Lanka. This research attention has been paid to collect all literature like books, journals, manuscripts, journal articles, newspaper articles, non-book materials, websites and internet sources related to Asian elephants. The main objective of this study is to identify all the literature related to Asian elephants in Sri Lanka. Other objectives are to categorize the literature about Asian elephants and to create a selective annotated bibliography of Asian elephants in Sri Lanka. Mainly this research is based on the secondary data. Secondary data is gathered from dictionary, encyclopedia, periodicals, text books, web sites, etc. The main tool of the study was the National Bibliography of Sri Lanka. The study was conducted within a limited period; since 2000-2015. According to the National Bibliographies, bibliography data was collected related to Asian elephants. There are 12 National Bibliographies per year and nearly 200 National Bibliographies were studied. But number of publication were several. So that study was conducted back till 1990. This study tries to collect 100 or more entries of bibliography related to the Asian elephants. This selective annotated bibliography of print books and web sources is meant to provide guidance to academic libraries to build a collection of all the resources related to Asian elephants.
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    Effectiveness of computer based accounting in business firms of eastern province
    (Staff Development Center, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2015) Thayaraj, M.S.
    Background: Accounting is an important part of every company thus; businesses are required to keep proper books of accounts.(Section 123 of the Companies Code (1963), Act 179). According to Omar, B (2009) Accounting refers to “The process of identifying, measuring and communicating economic information to permit informed and rational decisions”. Pacioli father of double entry book keeping system, today also his system still using. “Accounting can be divided into two basic categories: those which apply manual accounting and those which prefer Computer Based Accountings” (Weber, 2010). Aim: Therefore, this study aims is to evaluate the effectiveness of computer based accounting in business firms of eastern province Conceptual framework: the conceptual model proposes how effectiveness of computer based accounting in business firms impacts on performance. Accordingly, learning organization and organizational support influences to effectiveness of computer based accounting (CBA). The possibility theory is used to define the conceptual model. The contingency theory it hypothesized that organizational structure is function of context which context is simultaneously determined by the external environment, history and other organizational factors (Fiedler, 1964). Researchers have interpreted organizational structure to include the formal and informal information and decisionmaking methods that govern the allocation of organizational assets. The basic contingency framework consists of environment factors and firm-specific factors that affect to competitive strategy. The competitive strategy is effectiveness of computer based accounting (CBA) affected by learning organization and organizational support. Proposed methodology: This study considers the staff who worked under the department of accounts and information technology under the selected firms. 100 organisations are the sample size in the various districts in the eastern province. The Primary data will be collect through the questionnaire. The Secondary data collect through the sources of publications, company’s annual report and internet. Data analysis in this case was done quantitatively with statistical techniques such as the statistical package for social scientists (SPSS). The use of table, frequencies and percentages was employed in the analysis so as to ensure accuracy, adequacy and completeness of the study. Expected outcomes: The findings of this study will be helpful to the various business organization for evaluate the effectiveness of computer based accounting.
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    Clinical reasoning and its challenges at workplace: A qualitative study with novice medical graduates in Sri Lanka
    (Staff Development Center, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2015) Karunaratne, W.C.D.; Chandratilake, M.B.N.; Marambe, K.
    Background and rationale: Clinical reasoning is a major determinant of clinical competence among medical professionals (Barrows & Feltovich, 1987). However, even after 40 years of research, diverging opinions still persist on the diagnostic decision making process adopt by medical professionals proving the complexed nature of the phenomenon (Eva, 2004). Aim: This study aims to explore how novice medical graduates working at four main clinical specialties (medicine, surgery, paediatrics and obstetrics & gynaecology) learn and perform clinical reasoning during internship training and the challenges encountered. Theoretical underpinning: Theories of diagnostic decision making range from hypotheticodeductive reasoning described in 1970’s to the dual process theory, discussed recently in the medical education literature (Norman, 2005; Pelaccia, Tardif, Triby, & Charlin, 2011). Proposed methodology: Interpretive paradigm research using phenomenology will be conducted on novice medical graduates working in medicine, paediatric, surgery and obstetrics & gynaecology wards at the North Colombo Teaching Hospital, Ragama, Sri Lanka. The study will be conducted in two phases using purposive sampling (a combined total of 16) with gender balance and equal representation of specialties. During the study each participant will undergo three (3) interviews. The first interview will be on their experience of clinical reasoning as an intern and the challenges faced. The subsequent two interviews are based on audio-recorded patient encounters using the technique of stimulated recall. Two experts from each specialty will review the audio-recordings of patient encounters and determine the relevance of questions to the diagnosis. The interviews will be anonymised and transcribed verbatim. A coding framework will be developed using the five-stage process proposed by Ritchie &Spencer (Analyzing qualitative data, 1994). Thematic analysis of the data will be done using ATLASti. Expected outcomes: The study findings will provide meaningful insights in to organizing and re-structuring medical internship training to facilitate learning and on measures for improving clinical reasoning during undergraduate medical training.
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    A Critical Inquiry into the Concept of Art
    (Staff Development Center, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2015) Piyananda Thero, Wilgamuwe
    Art is the medium of entertainment which should be experienced within an awaken mind. There are various forms of art including drama, poetry, music, sculpture, dance, literature, films etc. The modern day scholars have classified all these forms of art into numerous categories such as Visual Arts, Auditory Arts, Verbal Arts, Mix Arts, Fine Arts and Applied Arts. All these forms of art used for the same purpose, i.e. providing an aesthetic experience in order to heighten the wisdom. Various factors and incidences in society make contributions for a production of art to be made. Among them, people's life styles, beliefs, religion, the need to address the mental excitements of artists and environmental as well as geo-political factors are of enormous importance. Hence, it could be safely argued that a production of art is inevitable a property of the whole society and that such productions of art should address the conditions of the contemporary society. Since, art is one of the most important moving factors of culture, any study of the historical background of any country could not disregard art. Even though the primary purpose of art is to enlighten the mind, it appears that in the present society, it is primarily used only for personal satisfaction and entertainment. Given this background, the present study seeks to inquire into the phenomenon of art in a comprehensive way especially with regard to the functions and purpose of art and the ways in which forms of art could be used for the betterment of the society.
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    Role of Koothu performance in the process of community building
    (Staff Development Center, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2015) Vivanantharasa, T.
    Background and rationale:Koothu is the traditional theatre of the Tamils of Sri Lanka and currently it is in practice in the different layers of the society (Jeyasangar, 2003).Even though the war affected the people a lot at the community level, which is the bastion of Koothu, it survives with its traditional nature. The complex functions and the influences of Koothu in a community are not fully identified and studied in the Sri Lankan Tamil context. Aim:Therefore, the aim ofthis study is to analyze how Koothu is prevailing in the society. Know the strategy is much needed and bring the above knowledge to use in theatre arts is the most wanted aim. Theoretical underpinning: Community theatre is moving, pertinent, powerful and effective in strengthening the groups of people it caters to(Eugene and Van Ervin, 2001).The knowledge has been used as a guideline in this study. NgugiWa Thiongo’s writings on Kamirithu community theatre, Paulo Freire’s “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”, Augusto Boal’s “Theatre the Oppressed”, Sivagnanam Jeyasankar’s “Reformulation of community theatre based on Koothu are the studies discussed about community theatre as social process have been introduced in literature. Proposed methodology:Community action research is a collaborativeapproach in investigation that provides people with the means to take systematic action to resolve specific problems (Stringer E.T, 1996). Survey will be conducted among the performers and people taken for the study and information will be collected about their methods of performance, staging, and observing Koothu. Intense case studies will be made to understand and interpret the experiences of the performers and audience. Expected outcomes: The finding of this study will be used as an emerging process in reconciliation activitiesas per the society’s requirement in different circumstances.
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    The decline of Instrumental fields in music Education in Sri Lankan Universities
    (Staff Development Center, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2015) Vaheesan, T.
    Background: This survey is based on Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic studies. In university department of music subject like, Vocal music, Violin, Mruthangam and Veena are taught and special degree in the fine Arts is given in special (course) subjects and Bachelor of fine Arts degree is given to them. In these fields many students follow courses to these music fields about 70 to 80 students are admitted. Among them, most of the students choose vocal music instead of Violin, Miruthangam, Veena fields. When we consider the music field, the musical instruments also play a major role. Music is praised to be equal to God (PanchapakesaIyer, 1953) while considering Carnatic music, it not only includes Vocal music, it includes instrumental music as well. Any music which sanctifies it with swarams and varnams and give a pleasant feeling to the ear, is a sacred music (Ramanuja Iyangar, 1986)In today’s musical world instruments not only remain as helping instruments like veena and violin have become so popular as to conduct main music recitals Music is beyond language (Sundaraam1993). Its soul depends on composing music. Aim: Aim of this study is creating awareness among the students to take this subject as their main field and increasing number of students to select this field as well as Artist. Methodology: The first year music students who learn music at Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic students were selected for this research. The questionnaire was given to them and the answers got from them. Besides this discussions were conducted among them regarding the selection of subjects. Results: For this survey while having discussions with the students and giving questions to them and getting answers from them many students have showed their liking to select Instrumental music fields but while considering job opportunities they select vocal music even though it is against their course of study they expect to get jobs in vocal music fields. Conclusion: The Instrumental such as Violin, Miruthangam, veena subjects must be included in the school. That will be increase the Instrumental artists same as music artists.
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    Deep learned Visual Model for Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
    (Staff Development Center, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2015) Kumarika, B.M.T.; Dias, N.G.J.
    Background and rationale: The modern hand gesture recognition approaches can be classified as ‘contact’ and ‘vision’ based. Contact based approaches like Data Glove require a physical contact which can cause health issues and uncomfortable for some users. In contrast, users wear nothing in vision-based approaches where camera(s) capture the images of hands interacting with computers (Dan & Mohod, 2014).Therefore, vision-based approach is simple, natural and convenient. However, challenges to be addressed include illumination change, varying sizes of hand gestures, background clutters in visual patternidentification(Symonidis K,2000). Aim:Therefore, thepractical applicationof computer vision-based hand gesture recognition systems necessitates an efficient algorithm capable ofhandling those challenges. Theoretic al underpinning / Conceptual framework: As a solution to the complexity of the problem this research proposes Deep Neural Network (DNN) as robust, deep learned visual model. Deep learning attempts to model high-level abstractions (features) in data by using a biologically inspired model. In deep learning, the visual cortex of our brain is well-studied and shows a sequence of areas each of which contains a representation of the input, and signals flow from one to the next. Thus, each level of this feature hierarchy represents the input at a different level of abstraction, with more abstract features further up in the hierarchy, defined in terms of the lower-level ones where classification will be easy. Proposedmethodology:Created database of the hand gesture images is used for training and testing. Greedy layer-wise training is used to avoid the problems of training deep net in supervised fashion such as slow training, over fitting and unlabelled data. The results will be compared with test data which is a 15% of the data set.The results of the two tests oftraditional networksand deep network willalsobecompared. Expected outcomes: This will provide a robust Deep Neural Network as an efficient visual pattern recognition algorithm for real time hand gesture recognition.
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    A research on the ancient monastic architectural methods revealing in Tripita
    (Staff Development Center, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2015) Siri Sumangala Thero, Radawane
    Background of Study: Dowry is well known as a gift for bridegroom like giving house, Land, money, golden jewels and vehicle from the house of bride who is going to get marry (Rani Jethmalani & Dey, 1995).‘Giving dowry’ is considered as very important event in Hindu wedding. But the bride’s family is only mostly affected by this dowry. So that the challenges and problems are mostly faced by bride’s side. Commonly the plays a vital role in different kind of society. However this study focuses on the affection of dowry in Hindu Society. The aim of this study was to discover the reason of increasing dowry system in Hindu Society and find the vulnerable party by this dowry system. Methodology: This research is an inductive. Because as it gives a common result which is about the effects of dowry in women marriage life through the data from individual samples in research area. This is a qualitative research and also it is a quantitative research because it considers about assets details of affected women. This research is carried out based on primary data. The data which is collected through the questionnaire and personal interview is used for this research. And also books and articles are used as secondary data. It is an analytical and descriptive research. 200 families are taken in Ampara district as simple random sampling method is used for this research. Results: This dowry is a status and separate property of rich people. It is being an unbrokenly beast for normal class people. So dowry appears as a big reason of violence against women. Discussion and conclusions: There must be many advertisements published to erect this stupid tradition. ‘No need to give and get dowry’ this new practice must be established spreadily. It must be established wisely with having other opinions to make a change not only female but also the guys who cares too much on society.
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    A study on the usage of Facebook for propagation of Buddhism
    (Staff Development Center, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2015) Pagngnaloka Thero, K. ubugoda Are
    In the 6th century B.C The Buddha who attaint establishment propagate his philosophy for 45 years. The preaching method was used to spread at the philosophy by the Buddha and under of propagative methods was used to spread at Buddhism thereafter. At the present, communication in the world has been become to its top level and intents is one of the sophisticated gated tools of communication by now. According to the study Problems are Lack of responsibility, Wrong information through take accounts, Difficulty to regulate and limit. Therefore, It can be concluded that it will be effective to used Facebook to propagate Buddhism if the problems can be diminished Social websites has become more faster and wider communicative took and Facebook, created by monk shorebird in 2004, can be identified as a famous social network at the moment to more than 900 million members are there in face book by 1st December 2015 with 1.5 million Sri Lankan members approximately .About 24000Sri Lankan Facebook accounts was been considered as take ones Face book accounts related to Buddhism can be with the sensed of propagating Buddhism can be categorized into 3 groups 1. Fully functioning as Buddhist face book accounts 2. Moderately functioning as a Buddhist 3. Least functioning as Buddhist Furthermore, 7 major methodologies can be distinguished that are used to propagate Buddhism on Facebook, Posters or images, Videos, Auditors, Dhamma books downloads, Dhamma Articles, Comparative studies Scientific findings on Buddhism. This post on face seems very interesting and attractive. Numbers of such post are at high level. Therefor it is clear that Facebook is used for propagating Buddhism in Sri Lanka by now. Here, It is mentioned some suggestions problems encountered with any research following 01. Creating new Facebook accounts dedication to Buddhism 02. Creation English and Tamil medium accounts 03. Take the utmost opportunities to propagate Buddhism face book. After that Buddhism can be communicated though face book.