Role of Koothu performance in the process of community building
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Staff Development Center, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Background and rationale:Koothu is the traditional theatre of the Tamils of Sri Lanka and currently it is in practice in the different layers of the society (Jeyasangar, 2003).Even though the war affected the people a lot at the community level, which is the bastion of Koothu, it survives with its traditional nature. The complex functions and the influences of Koothu in a community are not fully identified and studied in the Sri Lankan Tamil context.
Aim:Therefore, the aim ofthis study is to analyze how Koothu is prevailing in the society. Know the strategy is much needed and bring the above knowledge to use in theatre arts is the most wanted aim.
Theoretical underpinning: Community theatre is moving, pertinent, powerful and effective in strengthening the groups of people it caters to(Eugene and Van Ervin, 2001).The knowledge has been used as a guideline in this study. NgugiWa Thiongo’s writings on Kamirithu community theatre, Paulo Freire’s “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”, Augusto Boal’s “Theatre the Oppressed”, Sivagnanam Jeyasankar’s “Reformulation of community theatre based on Koothu are the studies discussed about community theatre as social process have been introduced in literature.
Proposed methodology:Community action research is a collaborativeapproach in investigation that provides people with the means to take systematic action to resolve specific problems (Stringer E.T, 1996). Survey will be conducted among the performers and people taken for the study and information will be collected about their methods of performance, staging, and observing Koothu. Intense case studies will be made to understand and interpret the experiences of the performers and audience.
Expected outcomes: The finding of this study will be used as an emerging process in reconciliation activitiesas per the society’s requirement in different circumstances.
Koothu, Reconciliation, Communitytheatre, Oppressed
Vivanantharasa, T. (2015). Role of Koothu performance in the process of community building. In: Research Forum E Proceeding, Staff Development Centre Research Forum, Cycle 15-2015, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya.