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Item Impact of Bank Income Diversification on Bank Performance and Stability: Evidence from Sri Lanka(Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2020) Wijethnuga, D.M.B.P.; Aruppala, W.D.N.Banks are using revenue diversification as a strategy to improve bank performance and reduce volatility. If diversified activities are less risky and improve the return banks will always try to improve the revenue diversification as much as possible. This study investigates the impact of bank income diversification on bank performance and stability of Sri Lankan commercial banks. Banks are facing huge competition in their industry. Most banks are earning equivalent interest income from lending activities. Thus, banks try to identify new ways to generate income. Otherwise, they must keep a very slight margin from the loans to sustain in the highly competitive market. The main objective of the study is to investigate the impact of income diversification on bank performance and stability of Sri Lankan listed commercial banks. Further strategies to face high competition within commercial banks in Sri Lanka will also be examined. Data used in the analysis consists of 11 local licensed commercial banks that were operating in the sample period 2010-2019. The secondary data are collected from annual audited financial statements and annual reports of each company accessed through the CSE web site. The researcher integrated some control variables into model such as asset size, equity to assets ratio, and the asset growth ratio etc… In this study it is attempted to ascertain that there is no excluded independent variable, which could affect the relationship between income diversification and bank performance and stability. The expected findings of the research would be there will be a negative relationship between bank income diversification and bank performance and stability because the degree of diversification is not at the peak within the Sri Lankan context. The findings of the study will provide useful insights into regulatory bodies, investors, researchers, and bankers.Item Users’ Perspective on the Adoption of E-Learning in Sri Lanka: Evidence from Accountancy Undergraduates of University of Kelaniya(Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2020) Kumarasiri, U.G.T.T.; Aruppala, W.D.N.Teaching and learning has evolved overtime and e-learning is a one of wonderful phase to teach and learn in the blended learning environment. In Sri Lanka, most of universities and higher educational institutions effectively use e-learning for their teaching and learning. Acceptance of e-learning mainly depend on users’ perspectives and undergraduates has different perspectives. COVID 19 pandemic increased the e-learning usage among teachers and students all over the country. Department of Accountancy of University of Kelaniya used to apply blended learning and teaching method during last decade and shifted online teaching and learning with the effect of COVID 19 pandemic. This study aims identify the users’ perspectives of adoption of e-learning in Sri Lanka providing a special attention to accountancy undergraduates of university of Kelaniya. The conduct of this study involves quantitative approach and a survey is conduct among 280 undergraduate students who use Moodle based learning management system and zoom platform extensively at teaching and learning activities. The study analyzes perspectives relevant to acceptance of the elearning namely, attitude towards e-learning, self-efficiency, performance expectancy, internet experience, personal innovativeness, availability of ICT infrastructure and social influence. The findings of the study will provide useful information to the decision makers related with the e-learning. As well as it is important to administration of the university, government, undergraduates and also higher education institutions who have already developed and seeking to adopt learning management systems in their institutions as well.Item The Relationship between Board Structure & Firm Performance(Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2020) Kumara, H.G.T.S.; Aruppala, W.D.N.This study is examine the association between board structure and firm financial performance of companies in Sri Lanka and describes the attributes of these firms and their boards. Various aspects of the board such as board independence, board size, board meeting, board attendance and aspects of leadership with role duality are addressed in this study the connection between board structure and firm performance has attracted much attention, especially in emerging economies. Related prior studies have found mixed empirical evidence depending on research methodologies or research periods employed. Moreover, almost all prior studies provide evidence in relation to developed and emerging countries. Given the contextual differences of developed, emerging and developing countries, the findings of this study offers a better understanding on the status of the relationship between Board Structure and Firm Performance in Sri Lanka. Board structures of 44 companies sector in Food, Beverages & Tobacco listed on Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) have been studied for their impact on performance of companies. Panel data regression methodology has been used on data for five financial years from 2015to 2019 for the selected companies. Performance measures considered are Return on Equity (ROE) and accounting-based measure (return on assets [ROA]). The findings of the study will provide useful insights to the interest parties for purpose of decision making and companies deployed cost for the maintained their board of directors. Companies expected the return from their boards than their cost. Therefore this study providing information for the interest parties to the how to affected board of director’s firm financial performance.Item Impact of Accounting Software on Business Performance of Listed Companies in Sri Lanka(Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2020) Chandrarathne, W.M.U.P.; Aruppala, W.D.N.In simple terms the nature of a comprehensive accounting software is to computerize the business process and to produce data in real time. At the moment the organizations in the world take different approaches to increase the efficiency and effectiveness in accounting practices. As a solution for that organizations are switching from manual accounting to computerized software and the organization that had switched to computerized accounting had increased the efficiency compared to the companies that use manual accounting. The ultimate objective of this paper is to investigate the impact of accounting software on business performance of Listed Companies in Sri Lanka. For that, this study uses several characteristics which are efficiency, reliability, ease of use, data quality and accuracy as the influence of the use of Accounting Information Systems on the performance of firms. The quantitative data required for this study is a sample size of 150 participants who are currently working as accountants or in any other area that involve the use of an accounting software in their work. The data will be collected through questionnaires and the collected data will be then analyzed by using IBM statistical package of social sciences (SPSS). The findings of past studies reveal that significant impact on business performance through Accounting Information Systems. The findings of this research will help the firm’s decision makers/managers to understand the importance of using an accounting software to achieve the goals and objective of the business. Ultimately, this study will be helpful to better understand the effects of an accounting software for business performance.Item Impact of Dividend Policy on Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence from Sri Lanka(Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2020) Athukorala, K.A.D.H.L.K.; Aruppala, W.D.N.This study aims to investigate the relationship between the dividend policy and firm performance of manufacturing companies listed in CSE. Data is collected from all manufacturing companies listed in CSE that has issued dividend during last five (05) years. The data from annual reports of sample companies are the evidences for the research. While Return on Equity, Return on Assets are used to measure firm performance Dividend Payout Ratio and Earning per Share will measure the dividend policy. These data are proceed with statistical tests; regression model, correlation model and descriptive statistics using e-views and turned into the final output. Correlation and Regression model is used to analyse data and the finding of this study is important in making decisions with an insight of the relationship between dividend policy and firm performance. This study is subject to the limitations of sample base and it uses data only from manufacturing companies listed in CSE. The findings may be vary if the sample is large.This study contributes to extant literature in Sri Lanka and managers can use the findings in making decisions to satisfying shareholders expectations and balance firm’s profitability at the same time.Item Impact of Competitive Ability on Financial Performance of Sri Lankan Banks(Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Maduranga, B.I.C.; Aruppala, W.D.N.This research analyses the impact of competitive ability on financial performance of listed banks in Sri Lanka. Capital delivers a buffer against losses and thus it ensures safety and soundness of the financial institutions. It is initial requirement for any financial institution to maintain sufficient capital. Liquidity is a main concept that most of investors are not properly maintained and result of that financial plans could be fail to come through such critical time. Liquidity causes more financial issues than rest of factors. The study relied on secondary data and thus annual reports of the listed banks were used to acquiring data. Ratios were used to analyze the data and regression analysis was used to measure relationship of the variables. The main finding in the study is that capital adequacy and liquidity has contributes positively & negatively on financial performance of listed banks in Sri Lanka. The findings of this study is useful for make productive decisions on investing in Sri Lankan banks.Item The Impact of Corporate Governance Issue on Business Failure(Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Madhubhashini, T.; Aruppala, W.D.N.Corporate governance is the process to control and direct the companies for long term results. There have been many ways to achieve this via good corporate governance but failure of some big companies raised various questions and issues. This study is motivated by the frequent reforms to strengthen the effectiveness of corporate boards and their oversight committees, in the wake of high profile corporate failures. The empirical question which is tested by this study is enhance board and their committee effectiveness and in this way, reduce the likelihood of firm‘s failure. This examines whether the lack of capability of achieving the corporate governance perspectives are related to the probability of business failure. Accordingly, the objective of this study is to find out the relationship between Corporate Governance issue and the Business Failure. As the methodology of this study, the all data will be collected through the secondary sources. The corporate governance will be measured by the terms; Accountability, Integrity, Transparency and Efficiency. The Business Failure will be measured by the Working capital to total assets ratio, Leverage of the firm, return on Total assets (ROI), Gearing Ratio, Asset turnover Ratio of the selected firms. The conclusion of this study is; there is a relationship between Corporate Governance issue and the Business Failure. The findings of this study provides a guidance to managements of these companies and existing other listed companies in the Sri Lankan context.Item Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibilities and Customer Purchase Intention in North-Western Province, Sri Lanka(Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Koshila, T.G.S.; Aruppala, W.D.N.In the competitive business world, the organizations have found that it is very difficult to survive. For this purpose they use various strategies where Corporate Social Responsibility takes considerable place in this regard. The emergence principles of sustainable development have an important impact on the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility. This study considered about the impact of corporate social responsibility practices which are undertaken by the companies on the customers’ purchasing intentions. The data was collected from North-Western province, Sri Lanka. According to the literature findings, corporate social responsibility is identified under four variables which are economic responsibilities, legal responsibilities, ethical responsibilities and philanthropic responsibilities. Customer purchasing intention is considered under three variables, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and customer trust. The sample was taken as the 400 of customers in North-Western province, Sri Lanka and data was collected via structured questionnaire. The study have identified that there is a moderate and positive effect of overall corporate social responsibility practices on overall customer purchase intentions. Finally suggestions were given to enhance the reliability of study through identifying limitations and suggestions will helpful for decision makers to gain competitive advantage over their rivals. Finally it has identified further research areas the study can be developed.Item The Impact of Corporate Governance on Financial Performance: Evidence from Sri Lankan Banking Industry(Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Perera, W.T.N.M.; Aruppala, W.D.N.Baking industry undertakes the critical and vital roles in the financial system; the well-being of the economy and the mechanism of the banking system interconnected. The concept of Corporate Governance has become conspicuous in conjunction with banking industry. Attention to Corporate Governance has quite a long history since the seminal paper on the subject of the “Principal – Agent Problem” by Meckling which argued that the Principal – Agent problem as a consequence of the separation of ownership and control. Over the last two decades; Sri Lankan economy has encountered substantial fluctuations from countless amalgamation with the global economy ((CBSL), 2013). In 1990 Sri Lanka has utilized the capital market reforms and adopted the Anglo American Structure of Corporate Governance (Edirisinghe, 2015). The regulatory requirements which affianced with the Corporate Governance in Sri Lanka; governed by the Banking Act No. 13 of 1988, Companies Act No. 07 of 2007, Codes of Best Practices and Regulations issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (ICASL) and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of Sri Lanka. This research empirically examines the quality of Corporate Governance practices in Sri Lankan banking industry and their impact on banks’ financial performance in the context of an emerging market such as Sri Lanka. The study concludes that there is no equivalence in the disclosure of corporate governance practices made by banks in Sri Lanka. Nevertheless they all disclose their corporate governance practices, but what is disclosed does not conform to any particular standard. Furthermore this study conclude that a positive relationship exist between financial performance, number of board meetings and education level. Besides that the study conclude that a negative relationship exist between financial performance, board size, gender, outside directors and CEO duality.Item Effect of Creative Accounting Practices on the Financial Performance of selected Sri Lankan Companies(Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 2016) Nisansala, B.C.; Aruppala, W.D.N.This research is an empirical survey of creative accounting practices in Sri Lanka. Practitioners do the creative accounting for the purpose of making the company appear to be financially stronger or weaker depending on the management’s anticipation. Thus, creative accounting practices do not provide a “true and fair” view of the financial statements. The general objective of the study was to assess the effect of creative accounting practices on the financial performance in Sri Lankan companies. This research considered tax avoidance, accelerated depreciation, and income smoothing as part of the major creative accounting practices that affect financial performance of Sri Lankan companies. The research used descriptive statistics to observe the major practices of creative accounting that affect to financial performance of Sri Lankan companies. The target population was professional in accounting and finance sector. A sample of 60 professionals was used for the study. Primary data was acquired through administering questionnaires and distribute to chartered accountant, accountant, CEOs, CA/ACCA student, auditors, company secretary and lecturers in accounting and finance sector. Statistical Package for Social Sciences Software (SPSS) 20.0 was used in carrying out the descriptive analysis. The study found that tax avoidance has a major influence on financial performance of the firm. Under tax avoidance aspect, tax incentives has a significant influence on firm‘s profitability showing that tax avoidance impacts financial performance. The findings also established that income smoothing has a hand in influencing financial performance and its practice resulted in decrease in financial performance. The research revealed that accelerated depreciation significantly influence financial performance of firms the respondents feel, firms do take advantage of accelerated depreciation to improve their financial performance.