IPRC - 2017
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Item An Initial Study on Understanding the Effect of Question Surface Features on Students' Responses(In: Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Research Conference 2017 (IPRC – 2017), Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2017) Rupasinghe, T.P.; Samarasekere, P.W.; Wijesinghe, S.Assessment is one of the key feedback mechanisms in measuring the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process of science education. One of the challenges in evaluating through the assessments is that students often focus on surface features of the questions such as the length, vocabulary, or the phrasing, rather than on underlying scientific principles of the question. According to educational theories, the wording of the questions has a substantial impact on the students’ performance during the science examinations. However, in the current science education context, there is only a limited number of research studies available which provides an insight into the relationship between students’ performance and the question features. The objective of the current study is to investigate the effect of the surface features of the questions on students’ performance. Herein, we have investigated how wording of an examination question could affect students’ performance. The study was conducted as a part of the Chemistry for Technology course (sample size =86) at the Faculty of Computing and Technology, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. At the final examination, two different types of constructed-response questions were given to students. One was a Direct question which included solving a question using a basic chemistry concept and simple arithmetic calculations. Second version (Wordy question); included the same data as in the Direct version but with a related scenario. In the Wordy question, students had to go through several sentences to pick relevant data to solve the problem. It is expected that, the scenario given in the Wordy version could lead to a deeper understanding of the question and thereby result in better students’ performance. Marks obtained for the two versions were averaged and compared to investigate whether there is any significance of the wording towards the performance of students. Average mark for the Wordy question yielded to be 43% while that of the Direct question was 63%. Moreover, the attempt rate (no of student who had attempted) was significantly low as 39% for the Wordy version of the question. According to the performance of the students it was clear that the students meet a considerable difficulty in the understanding the Wordy questions. It can be concluded that the use of items such as syntactically complex sentences in examinations could decrease the performance of the students. Moreover, significantly lower attempt rate observed in the case of the Wordy questions suggests that the students tend to skip lengthy questions even without trying to identify the basic scientific principle lying behind. Hence it can be concluded that the surface features such as the length, type of words can play a key role in students’ performance at the examinations. Currently, further studies are being conducted to gain more insight into this.Item Dengue: The Cost of Illness(In: Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Research Conference 2017 (IPRC – 2017), Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2017) Kalansooriya, W.Dengue is a viral infection transmitted through the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes. It is an endemic in Sri Lanka especially in urban and suburban settings with higher transmission rates happening during the rainy season. Even though the dengue epidemic has been devastating, its consequences for the people and economy have received a little attention from economists. The economic burden of the dengue disease has many aspects. First, it affects the public budget as the government urged to allocate extra resources to treat dengue patients as well as to control the spreading of the disease. Second, it affects the individual and household budget since they have to face an unexpected expenditure for their treatments. Thirdly, getting illness reduces the number of working days of the people and therefore the overall productivity of the economy. Therefore, this study intends to identify the economic cost of dengue disease in Sri Lanka by taking a sample of 117 dengue affected people in the year 2016. The sample was selected from Maharagama division in Colombo district which is one of the high density Dengue reporting area. The selection of the sample units was on judgment base according to the prevalence data within the year. The study estimated three kinds of costs; direct medical cost, indirect cost, and other costs involved in Dengue disease. Direct medical costs include the cost associated with hospitals, doctors, nurses, use of equipment, laboratory services, prescriptions, and so on. A shadow price method was used to estimate the indirect cost which is their forgone productivity. The other costs include the extra cost bared by the patients and their families due to the illness; such as food, travelling, caring, and so on. The study found that the total cost of prevalence of dengue disease per person is approximately 74000 rupees on average while 74% of this accounts from direct medical cost, 16% from the loss of productivity and 10% from other.Item Depiction of Gender Discrimination through Cinema: Related to Prasanna Vitanage's Cinematic Approach of the Film "Anantha Rathriya"(In: Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Research Conference 2017 (IPRC – 2017), Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2017) Wijayasinghe, A.M.According to the Critics, cinema can be considered as the most powerful medium of art which can be used to deliver powerful messages towards the human society. In that aspect, the director of the film has a major responsibility in creating and delivering such messages to the audience through using creative elements of cinema. Most number of directors tries to reveal the unseen reality of human life through cinema. Prasanna Vitanage can be considered as a director who always tries to reveal the bitter truth of human nature through his cinematic approach. Most number of cinema creations done by Prasanna Vitanage created a controversial atmosphere in the Sri Lankan society. Some of his cinema creations were banned due to that reason. But Prasanna Vitanage tried to reveal some gender discrimination which prevailed in the Sri Lankan society. This research mainly focused on how Prasanna Vitanage tried to depict gender discrimination through his cinematic approach of his film Anantha Rathriya. Content Analysis and In-depth Interviews were used as the research methodology to collect data regarding this. According to the data which was collected from the above methodology clearly suggest that the gender discrimination can be seen in the several sections of the society. In that aspect the woman faces serious troubles where she couldn't get a justice even from the law of country.Item Psychosocial Factors Affecting on Educational Performance of School Students in Sri Lanka (With Reference to Gampaha District)(In: Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Research Conference 2017 (IPRC – 2017), Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2017) Fernando, N.Educational performance can be affected by numerous factors. This study was conducted to explore the important psychosocial factors (PSFs) among the other factors such as attitude towards attendance in classes, time allocation for studies, motivation, parents‘ level of income, parents‘ education, teacher-student relation, learning facilities, proper guidance, parenting style and sex of student are also affected the educational performance of the students. therefore, performance is product of socio-economic, psychological and environmental factors. As well as responsibility of education is, that produces well-educated, skilled, mannered students according to needs and requirements of the society and the job market. The objective of this research was tofind out the psychosocial factors (PSFs) that affect the educationalPerformance of School Students in Sri Lanka.Selected sample size was 250. Research was conducted on ordinary level (O/L) school children in Gampaha District. There were two groups of students as generally perceived, those who show high performance in their studies and those who don‘t. Questionnaire and some short interviews were used to gather data. Data were analyzed by using simple statistical methods such as percentages. To show the analyzed data bar charts were used. The results showed that, females demonstrated greater motivation, attendants than males. There was positive relationship between parents‘ education and students‘ performance. parents‘ age also appeared to be important factor. Student attitude towards attendance is positive. Student‘s family income is positive on their studies. Student attitude towards time allocation for study per day after school is positively related. Learning facilities and proper guidance shows the positive impact on the student performance and the family stress shows the negative impact on the student performance. Authoritative parenting style shows the positive impact. The student performance could be improved by providing proper leaning facilities and supporting environment in school and home. The student performs well if they are properly guided by the parents and also by their teachers.Item The Variations of Spatial Distribution of the Schools in Colombo District: A GIS Based Approach(In: Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Research Conference 2017 (IPRC – 2017), Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2017) Withanage, N.The education provides the life blood for human being. In Sri Lankan context Education Zone (EZ) is supervised the large numbers of schools in the specific area. Due to lack of application the Information Communication Technology (ICT) in education many problems can be identified in school management process. Especially there is a high potentiality to apply Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for education management and administration. Even most of the schools do not cover the GIS part in their curriculum. Now a day‘s popular schools gained more competition in the process of grade one student selection. Thus the schools used manual distance calculation system using hard copy of the area map, no common computerized system. And also there is a contrastive difference between Colombo urban schools and schools in the outskirt of Colombo. Within the Colombo metropolitan area the number of 1AB schools are higher than the other areas of the country as well as the outer core of Colombo. There are 36 National Schools and totally 405 government schools are situated in the district of Colombo. Moreover 16 out of 36 National schools are located in the Colombo metropolitan area. The study has been devoted to discuss what factors have been contributed towards the variations in spatial distribution of schools in the Colombo District. Identifying the spatial variation of school distribution in the district and determining the school catchment areas were among specific objectives. The school system can be used the GIS for distance calculation within the specific proximity area. In the study different GIS techniques like proximity analysis and Thiessen Polygon tools were being facilitated to identify threshold within a school clusters. This study tried to identify schools clusters by using Spatial Autocorrelation and Multi-Distance Spatial Cluster Analysis (Ripley's K Function) tools. The study had proven the schools in Colombo District are spatially distributed as clusters.According to the analysis main school clusters located in the western coastal area which having high density of schools. Excluded the core schools in clusters are being changed the level of schools. The results will be able to imply in the decision making in bottom level to top level especially in education zone.Item A Proposal for Sustainable Community Development through a Culinary Trail(In: Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Research Conference 2017 (IPRC – 2017), Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2017) Gunasekara, I.This research is focused on design a proposal to develop Sri Lankan community through sustainable tourism approach. Sustainability concept appeals to the development of Sri Lankan economy with the millennium development goals of United Nations. The culture is the prominent factors which can be developed as tourist attraction. In addition, Culinary is a part of the culture of any society. As it is consisted of food preparation techniques, methods, different ingredients, tastes and presenting styles it usually capture the attention of tourists. Since Sri Lanka has diverse sub cultures there is a high diversity of cuisine. The variation in Sri Lankan cuisines have been influenced by geographic and demographic diversity. Taking this factor into account the development of new tourism product which named Sri Lankan Culinary Trail has proposed by the research. This product is based on traditional cuisines and the service providers of this tourism segment are the local community whose benefit is focused on this research. This is an exploratory research which based on primary data collection method where a questionnaire survey carried out for market analysis. The respondents were local people who selected randomly based on Negombo coastal belt. The product will be a prototype implementation plan which can be developed up to national level.Item Indigenousknowledge of Medical Depicted in Palm Leaf Manuscripts in Sri Lanka(In: Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Research Conference 2017 (IPRC – 2017), Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2017) Abayarathna, C.Palm Leaf Manuscript culture in Sri Lanka has a long history. According to Sri Lankan chronicles which were composed in 5th century A.C, writing on palm leaves has been started at least in the 1st century B.C. As mentioned in those chronicles, during the reign of King Vattagamini Abaya ^89-77 B.C.& Buddhist monks have used palm leaves to inscribe the doctrine of Buddha. But in the later periods in addition to the religious texts" secular subjects also were written on palm leaves, like indigenous medical practices, astrology, palmistry and various kinds of black magic etc. Indigenous medical practices include medical treatments for human as well as animals. The diearia, vomiting, snakebites, fever, mental disorders and more other day to day ailments were commonly treated. Faculty of Social Sciences" University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka has established a palm leaf manuscript study and research Library (PLMSRL) to preserve those manuscripts, because due to various causes they are being damaged. Now there are more than 3000 manuscripts copied and preserved. This research was carried out by using those manuscripts. The methodology used for this research is examine those manuscripts thoroughly and the main objective is to recognize the major areas of the indigenous knowledge which prevailed for more than twenty centuries throughout the history of Sri Lanka.Item The Impact of Infrastructure Development on Urban Poverty Reduction(In: Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Research Conference 2017 (IPRC – 2017), Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2017) Kanchana, R.A.C.Poverty is a multidimensional phenomenon and it is clear that there are aspects of poverty which go beyond the conventional measures of monetary income. Urban poverty has gained acceptance as a major issue that warrants a holistic approach, which included both physical and social infrastructure. Infrastructure can broadly be defined as long-term physical assets that operate in markets with high barriers to entry and enable the provision of goods and services (NZSIF) and as a key element of poverty alleviation. Social Infrastructure is a subset of the infrastructure sector and typically includes assets that accommodate social services. Over the years the improvement in Infrastructure facilities is one of the key milestones in improving the wellbeing of residents. Recently, it has been a remarkable sight that the responsible authorities have taken part to improve the quality of the urban poor through infrastructure development. Although many infrastructural development programs have been accelerated, it is exceptional to aware of the impact of those attempts. The main objective of the research is to explore the impact ofinfrastructure development on urban poverty reduction. The research was both qualitative and quantitative. Dematagoda Grama Niladhari Division of Thimbirigasyaya divisional secretariat in Colombo district was selected as the study area. Both primary and secondary data were collected to proceed the study. According to the study it was revealed that unequivocally, infrastructural development leads to poverty reduction. But Social Infrastructure Compared to Physical Infrastructure, poverty reduction is less progressive. Although Social Infrastructure benefits residents it takes time, it is because the behavior rooted patternsItem Influence of Selfie on Enhance Adolescent‟s Self-Image (With Special Reference to GCE (A/L) Students Who Participated to the Private Tuition Classes in Mawanella Area)(In: Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Research Conference 2017 (IPRC – 2017), Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2017) Suraweera, S.A.N.P.The revolution of information and communication technology has been influenced with regardless of religion, creeds, nationality, caste, culture or any other forms. With help of this technology has been introduced new instruments on needs of peoples, smart mobile phone is one of result of this technological world. Smart mobile phone has been changed to lot of human needs and desires in around the world. Selfie photograph is a one of new trend, of new generation. ―Selfie‖ has defined as a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media, especially Facebook. The present study examined the influence of selfie on enhance adolescent‘s self-Image with special reference to GCE (A/L) students who participate private tuition classes in Mawanella area. The research problem is to determine how to be the selfie influence to enhance adolescent‘s self-Image. Both primary and secondary data were used to conduct this research. The sample group have gathered from GCE A/L students who are participating private tuition classes in Mawanella area and Kegalle district, from where 48 participants were male and 52 female. The study has used the methodologies of survey, questionnaires and observation methods. Secondary data have been collected through books, journals and academic research publications. Quantitative data have used for the summary of the data analyzed through the charts and graphs. This research was found that the all of the female respondents have interested to take selfie than the male respondents. They have clicked their cell phone more than five times for take the selfie. They have selected most attractive angle and posted though the social network sites for the measuring their image. But sometimes they are wondering about their image when they are not getting positive reaction from their network‘s fans. However the selfie has facilitated to enhance their personality, knowledge of fashion world, personal image (self-image), to build up relationship etc. Therefor more than 92 adolescents used selfie photograph to enhance their self-image.Item Rites of Passages among Meemure Inhabitants Living in Kandy District, Sri Lanka(In: Proceedings of the International Postgraduate Research Conference 2017 (IPRC – 2017), Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2017) Ananda, D.T.H.; Nahallage, C.A.D.Meemure village, situated in the Kandy District of Sri Lanka 229 Km away from Colombo city is famous for its unique culture. Isolation from the main society and adaptation to the environment together has made their culture a specific one. ‗Rites of passages‘ perform in the significant transition periods of individuals‘ life; can be considered as one of the distinctive feature of their traditional cultural system. These rites highlight and validate changes in a person's status, particularly on the occasion of such life-transforming events as birth, puberty, marriage and death. The present study was aimed to discover their unique rites of passages and its significant characteristics in the balancing of their social and cultural organization as well as its function in the socialization process. Ten interviews were carried out with purposively selected individuals who belonged to the Meemure village from the distant past and who were knowledgeable about their culture. Childbirth is considered as a dangerous transitional period of life, surrounded by supernatural entities. Corner room in the house is prepared with a rope (labour cord) hang on the joist, above a mat, thereby providing support to the parturient mother in her effort of child delivery. More rites are performed until the weaning ceremony of the child. Different puberty rituals are practiced by Meemure villagers from the segregation period to the reintroducing of a girl with a new status in to the society. Rites associated with Atamagala (represent eight auspicious signs) and Malabulath Thattuwa (decorated betel-tray) etc., contribute to the proper socialization. Wedding rites are representations of valued traditional customs which are performed with the participation of special person called Danamuthu Rala. Methods they use in the preservation and purification of the body are particular to them as well the associated rites with the death. Mechanisms of culture change have affected badly on these valued cultural system which no longer accepted by the youngsters. Therefore, these types of studies are significant in preserving and in reconsidering the importance of these forgotten rites.