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Item Study on the Environment effect of Human activities in Badagamuwa conservation forest(Department of Geography, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2020) Senavirathna, R.M.J.P.KGlobal Environmental destruction is a severe contemporary issue around the globe. Specially destruction of natural biosystems as a result of increasing global warming can be seen. It crisis the breakdown of biodiversity and the sustainability among the aspects of natural human activities has direct involvement in this, And Sri Lanka is also facing this situation According to the UNESCO reports, 1.4% of the total forest coverage is destructed annually. The main focus of this study was to analyse the Social, Economic, Cultural, Human aspects which have affected the Badagamuwa conservation forest, located in Kurunegala district. Therefore it was important to identify the zones of the forest reserve which have been harmed MS Excel software was used to analyse the qualitative data and ARC GIS[10.4] was used to analyse the spatial data to observe the above problem, from 1999 to 2019 ,through GPS, Google earth pro-technology and the data collected by Kurunegala municipal council and Badagamuwa information Center other than that secondary data have been collected by field observations, interviews and Questionnaires, accordingly, Human activities that have affected the destruction of the Environmental system and the primary data on the destruction could be identified. Here the economic activities and development proposals were identified to be basic reasons for forest destruction. Through them, the natural phenomenon of the bio system is affected and the high consumption of resources has influenced the destruction of physical factors. As a result, the existence of flora and fauna has been affected negatively. This study suggests that a sustainable urban environment management policy should be introduced and activated to protect the environment.Item The relationship between poverty and education in Deraniyagala Divisional Secretariat Division of the Kegalle district(Department of Geography, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2020) Hathurusigha, H.S.U; Arunashantha, H.A.SPoverty is an issue to be highlighted of its paramount influence on global development. Education is a committed cause of the prevalence of poverty. Many scholars agree with the fact that there is a cyclical relationship between poverty and education. In making efforts to alleviate poverty, it is worth studying the low standard of education in the district of Kegalle within placed at the 6th amongst the districts confronted by poverty in Sri Lanka. It reveals that there is a significant relationship between poverty and education. The main objective of this research is to realize how the low level of education promotes poverty and how poverty can be an important cause to culminate in ineffective educational achievements. Deraniyagala Divisional Secretariat Division shows a rate of 11.36% in its poverty indication. 50 families have been selected as a sample population and they are benefitted by the Samurdhi Development scheme. Qualitative and quantitative methods have been employed to analyze the above data. The researcher could notice that the major wage earner’s low education has affected to increase poverty and following the rate of his or her income, the children tend to face issues in education. Poverty has also caused less educational performance among students. The research confirms several measures that need to be adopted to reduce poverty: a process to uplift the level of income of the family, implementation of projects to increase educational performance to a satisfactory level and directing the school leavers to vocational education.Item Socio-economic problems of rural households due to microfinance indebtedness; The case from Akuressa Divisional Secretariat Division(Department of Geography, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2020) Priyanthi, M.L.A.; Sakalsooriya, N.PMicrofinance company has faced mainly two risks loan recovery risk and marketable risk. To enhance the market of loans, microfinance companies introduce different types of easy payment systems. Consequently, the rural peasants have attracted to the loans. The problem is that they hardly think to repay the loans. As a result, the loan recovery rate is very low in rural areas. In this sense, microfinance companies use different attempts for recovering their loans. These strategies differently harm to the social and economic level of the rural settlers. According to the UNO report in 2019, 2.8 million of Sri Lankan people have aggrieved by this microfinance loan, there are 2.4 million (85.7%) are women. This is one of the biggest tragedies faced by rural families in Sri Lanka at present. According to the report on the microfinance industry, 89% of the rural sector is inclined to borrow microfinance, at the provincial level micro-industrial distribution in the southern province is high. This study investigates the socio-economic problems faced by rural households due to microfinance indebtedness. The Manikgoda Grama Niladhari Division of Akuressa Divisional Secretariate Division in Southern Province of Sri Lanka has been selected for the case study. Both qualitative and quantitative primary data was collected by questionnaire, interviews, and observations. The study has pointed out that they are socially and economically downward due to loans. It means these microfinance loans to rural settlers hardly support their socio-economic development.Item Social impact of chronic poverty in rural areas of Sri Lanka; An experience from Ridimaliyadda(Department of Geography, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2020) Gunasekara, R.M.R.D; Sakalasooriya, NThis is an analytical study on the social impact of chronic poverty in the rural sector in Sri Lanka. According to the statistics of the Department of Census and Statistics, the Ridimaliyadda Divisional Secretariat (DSD) of Badulla District is one of the major chronic poverty-stricken areas of Sri Lanka. Though all the successive Government has implemented many poverty reduction programs, there is still chronic poverty at a different level in different areas of Sri Lanka. This study examines the social impact of chronic poverty in Rideemaliyadda DSD. It is randomly selected 25 families from 02 Grama Niladhari Divisions with the highest rate of poverty. The study is based on primary and secondary data under mixed methods. The secondary data were collected from the Department of Census & Statistics, Centre for Poverty Analyse, Badulla Divisional Secretariat Office, Ridimaliyadda DSD. MS Excel & Arc GIS were used to analyze the data charts, Maps and tables were produced to present data, Lower education, lack of permanent jobs, lack of lands for agriculture, caste, powerlessness are the major social impact of the chronic poverty.Item Scopes for increasing saving opportunities in rural low-income households; with special reference to Kalahagala Grama Niladari Division(Department of Geography, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2020) Gunasekara, S.C.P. D.S; Sakalasooriya, NSri Lanka is a developing country for a long time and now it has become a lower-middle-income country. In the development process, human resource contributes a lot and household plays a major role. Their income and expenditure levels decide the household savings. The significant number of rural households still can be categorized as low-income households. Therefore the savins rate of rural areas is significantly low. There are 82% of the total population of Sri Lanka live in rural areas. Therefore it is essential to increase the savings of rural low-income households. The main purpose of this study is to study the barriers to improve the savings of rural low-income households in Sri Lanka and find the scopes for increasing savings in rural lower-income families. In this research, Kalahagala Grama Niladari Division of Thamankaduwa Divisional Secretariat Division in Polonnaruwa District was selected as the study region. Both primary and secondary data were collected. Especially the primary data were collected by questionnaires, interviews and site observations mixed methods. Secondary data were collected from the books, research reports, Samurdhi bank reports and journal articles on websites. The study reveals that the barriers of the money savings of the rural low-income households were new trending of people to apply for loans from micro-financial institutions and people expanding money without a farsighted plan. Consequently, these loan processes have increased the rural indebtedness unprecedently. Therefor new scientific understanding of investments and entrepreneurship should be provided to the rural lower-income families.Item Negative environmental impacts of modern agricultural practices(Department of Geography, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2020) Jayawickrama, G.G.HNegative environmental impacts, health problems, a different type of pollution are increased in the present world because of human activity. According to existent environmental reports, the agriculture sector is the dominant reason for it. Sri Lanka is an agricultural country in Asia. Paddy cultivation is a dominant economic factor in Sri Lanka. Dating back more than 2500 years, numerous people subsist life on agriculture. And also build the grate traditional culture with sir Lankan agriculture. Created positive, strong and inverse interrelationship between the environment and human activities. With time-consuming, increasing the population. The farmers have to increase the food production process to satisfying human needs and necessities. During the production process wasn’t adequate traditional agricultural practices. Accordingly, it created modern farming methods with the green revolution. The farmers use these modern agricultural practices to achieve the advance yield. Primitive, use chemical fertilizers and pesticides, use tractors, gene mutation. Although they can acquire the advance yield on the other hand, beginning the negative environmental effects accordingly distance the ecofriendly traditional agricultural practices. Therefor spring up soil pollution, air pollution, global warming, water pollution, not only pollution with negative environmental effects, but also health problems such as food poisoning, Neurologic effects, malnutrition, mutations, birth, and development defects. Those are very complicated problems in the world. However, we should try to manage this problem. According to the object, the researcher selected this topic, understand the Negative environmental impacts of modern agricultural practices.Item Impact on informal money market activities for the sustainable rural economy(Department of Geography, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2020) Perera, A.K.D.TThe Sri Lankan financial system is dualized as the formal financial market and informal (unorganized) financial market. The informal financial market provides very important service in meeting the financial needs of units who do not deal with the process of formal financial markets, especially in rural areas. The most common informal financial market activities are professional money lenders, part-time money lenders such as estate owners, traders, smallholders, farmers, relations and friends etc. This study examines the impact on informal money market activities for a Sustainable rural economy. Primary data as well as secondary data used for this study. Secondary data are extracted from the documentary sources. Primary data are gathered through questionnaire and interview conduct with a purposive sample of 50 people. This sample is selected from randomly selected Galukagame Grama Niladari divisions of the Kuruwita Divisional Secretariat area. The study reveals that most rural people suffering from professional money lenders, because of their high-interest rates, insecurity feeling about their money which deposit in the home etc. On the other hand, rural people easily can get money for an urgent incident of their economy, without conditions, guarantors, don’t waste time, improving saving abilities from the slate club, people can get much money at the same time from the drawing etc. So, this research benefited the rural people who transact with the informal money market without knowing about the true color of informal money market activities.Item Impact of rubber cultivation trends on labour variation(Department of Geography, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2020) Karunarathna, D.D.E.K; Rathnasekara, S.R.L.S.Rubber plantation has acceded the second place in out of the ways in earning foreign exchange in Sri Lanka. Rubber plantation is very important for the Sri Lankan economy as it is an industrial raw material that is used in many local Industries. The demand for rubber in the world economy was being increased day by day since the past. As a result, the production of natural rubber, as well as artificial rubber, was begun. With the induction of artificial rubber, the demand for natural rubber was rapidly decreased. The laborers in countries such as Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia were strongly focused because of this. This situation has influenced Sri Lanka alike. Through that importing and exporting labour can be seen to rubber plantation with the introduction of new technology, special abilities in labourer’s labour, practices, the dedication of labour time changes in work can be seen as tendencies in a rubber plantation. The basic income of laborers connected to cultivation is based on industry. Because of that, it is easy to study the changes of labourer’s labour in tendencies of rubber plantation. The main objective of this experiment is to identify the new tendencies that have become an influence on the division in labour in the rubber plantation. This was done with the selected group of labourers as a sample who work affecting the Edurapola rubber state which is located in Lewala GND of Bulathkohupitiya Divisional Secretariat Division in Kegalle district. And also 30 people who do the plantation as their occupation were selected randomly from the 10% of the houses available in the same GND for the experiment by chance. The data analysis has been presented through the graphs and bars using the Excel sheet and the data gathered from the interviews and the observation have been analyzed in a relevant analytical way. Not only that but also the physical nature of the area has been described and men timed by considering the geographic information system. Data collection was done the following and wing the central methods such as questionnaires, interviews, observation and other secondary sources such as newspapers, magazines, internet, etc. Inter crops can be identified as a common tendency in a rubber plantation in the area. Due to that, there is a great division of labour in a rubber plantation.Item Identify the successfulness of poverty reduction strategies in Kegalle District(Department of Geography, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2020) Samaraweera, S.W.I.U; Rathnasekara, S.R.L.SPoverty is one of the most multifaceted problems in the world. The poverty rate in Sri Lanka has decreased from 28.8% in 1995/96 to 6.7% in 2012/2013. But based on the data of the 2012 census of population and housing in Sri Lanka and the household income and expenditure survey 2012/2013, the poverty map complied by the department of census and statistics and the world bank’s global poverty practices team highlight the geographical disparities between the poverty rates at the district and divisional secretarial levels shows. The poverty of Sri Lanka at regional levels is still a problem although Sri Lanka has long been implementing poverty reduction strategies. Therefore, this study was conducted to study the successfulness of the strategies adopted by the regional government to reduce poverty. The area of this study was the Mawanella divisional secretariat of the Kegalle district because this area represents the highest poverty reduction programme implemented. Hence to achieve the target, 60 households were selected through simple random sampling method. This research has used questionnaires and interviews to collect the primary data under the method of surveying and also secondary data have been collected by using central bank records, journals, books, area maps, articles, divisional secretariat data and area resources profile. Descriptive analysis and qualitative data analysis have used for data analysis. Table, charts and has used to represent data and maps were created by using geographical information system software. The finding of this research was the poverty reduction progrmme was affective in getting control poverty average level in this area. Promoting income generating sources, controlling high consumer spending, introducing saving and reduction unemployment, encouraging small and medium scale entrepreneurs, solid waste management, modernization of agriculture and non- agriculture sectors are the main programme to help the control poverty on the above level.Item Factors of rural chronic poverty in Sri Lanka: The case from Ridiyagama Grama Niladari Division(Department of Geography, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2020) Madhusanka, K.A.L.; Sakalasooriya, NAs a lower-middle-income country, Sri Lanka has different types of poverty including chronic poverty. Though all the successive governments of Sri Lanka have implemented different types of poverty reduction programs and strategies, still there is chronic poverty in both urban and rural settlements. This study examines the factors of rural chronic poverty and to make possible recommendations for policymakers to eliminate rural chronic poverty in Sri Lanka. The study uses mixed-method and especially attention.on the case study method using qualitative and quantitative data. Ridiyagama Grama Niladari Division of Ambalantota Divisional Secretariat Division in the Hambantota District was selected for the study area. Hence to achieve the target, randomly selected 50 families have been interviewed with a semistructured questionnaire. Field observations focused group discussions and key informant discussions have been used to collect qualitative data. The secondary data were collected from Central Bank reports relevant books, findings of similar researches, maps, websites and databases and resource profiles of the case study area. The study has revealed that the lower education, lack of job opportunity, social stratification, undernutrition, and poor health conditions, cultural attitudes, lack of political and social strengths, dependency on government subsidies, are the main reasons of chronic rural poverty. It is essential to identify and map the chronic property clusters in the rural area and close monitoring and evaluation processes should also be introduced to eliminate rural chronic poverty.