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    Impact of Social Factors on Consumer Impulsive Buying Behavior in Sri Lanka.
    (Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Basnayaka, B.M.M.G.T.R.; Gayathree, D.A.G.P.K.
    Impulse buying is normally thing within the consumers. The purpose of the research is identifying the social factors influencing the impulsive buying behavior: the case FMCG in Sri Lanka. The objectives are to identifying the social factors affect to impulse buying behavior and analysis how demographic variables influence to the impulse buying behavior. Pilot survey conducted before collect data from sample. In pilot survey identify validity and reliability of the questions and some one question remove from the questioner. After that collected data from the sample. Data collection based on the Colombo district by 100 respondents. Date analysis done by using SPSS 20 software and finally identify strong, week and also moderate relationships between the dependent variable and independent variables.
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    Impact of Brand Knowledge on Consumer Lifetime Value with Special References to Ayurvedic Products in Sri Lanka.
    (Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Sudharshana, N.A.; Gayathree, D.A.G.P.K.
    In Sri Lanka Ayurvedic industry can be define as growing industry in today context then it is critical to understand about future development of this industry. As marketing student researcher tried to figure it out how it can be applied branding concept in order to develop this ayurvedic industry in Sri Lanka. Researcher found that even though there is a possibility to develop this industry most of companies do not engage with high branding concept and brand development task such as FMCG industry. But if companies develop their brand by taking some effort actually it will be impact to their loyal customer base in other word their cash generating ability will increase. There is story behind to select this topic also that is researcher got job in ayurvedic product manufacturing company and that company do not engage with more branding and particular company not spend more money to develop their Ayurvedic brands. In that sense researcher though that there is opportunity to develop this industry by using brand as mentioned early. Then researcher needed to figure it out is that true? To prove it researcher has done this study. Then researcher finally proved that if company come up with branding concept such as FMCG market then that day will be a great day to ayurvedic industry in Sri Lanka.
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    Factors Affecting the Attitude towards Facebook Advertisements – With Special Reference to Colombo City Customers.
    (Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Sandaruwan, P.M.D.; Gayathree, D.A.G.P.K.
    In today environment, online social networking, especially Facebook is almost impossible to ignore, hence it has become a part of people’s daily life activities. Advertisers, marketers and companies have therefore identified the opportunity of this habit and incorporate Facebook into their marketing strategies. Advertising through the Facebook enhanced the value of advertising in terms of brand awareness, profit and return on investment. But on the other hand, the effect of Facebook advertising depends on the factors that affect to customers’ attitude toward advertising because it would not make any sense for advertisers to put effort in Facebook advertising without knowing the impact on customers’ attitude. The aim of this study is to examine some factors that possibly would have an influence on the customers’ attitude toward Facebook Advertising with special reference to Colombo city customers in Sri Lanka. This research study provides some insights to companies, marketers and advertisers that may draw current and potential consumers’ positive attitude toward advertising on Facebook.
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    Factors Influencing the Brand Loyalty towards the Fast Food Industry in Sri Lanka: with Special Reference to Internationally Franchised Fast Food Brands in Sri Lanka
    (Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Perera, H.M.H.N.; Gayathree, D.A.G.P.K.
    Fast food industry in Sri Lanka can be considered as a very competitive industry with the rivalry being intensified every single day with the entry of new players to the market. There are both local and international fast food brands currently operating in the country, which adds to the competition. In such a situation, marketers are faced with the challenge of making their customers loyal to their fast food brand. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify which factors contribute to create brand loyalty towards the fast food industry in Sri Lanka, with special reference to the internationally franchised fast food brands currently operating in the country. The researcher also intends to investigate the extent to which these factors impact on generating brand loyalty towards the fast food industry. The sample of 150 respondents of this study was selected from Colombo and Gampaha Districts representing the Western Province, using convenience sampling method. A questionnaire based survey method was used to gather the primary data required for the study.
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    The Significant Impact of CRM Practices on Customer Satisfaction: with Special Reference to Interior & Exterior Blinds Companies in Sri Lanka
    (Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Perera, G.D.D.; Gayathree, D.A.G.P.K.
    This study examined the impact of customer relationship management (CRM) elements on customer satisfaction. CRM is one of the critical strategies that can be employed by organizations to improve competitive advantage. The organizational context of the study was Interior & Exterior blinds companies in Sri Lanka. It is necessary for the organization to build and maintain a strong relationship with the customers in order to achieve the ultimate goal of customer satisfaction. Four critical CRM elements are measured in this study, behavior of the employees, quality of customer services, complaint handling and Social interaction. The population of the present study is customers with high income who are purchasing blinds from western province, 150 respondents were selected through convenient sampling and data has been collected through questionnaire. Correlation and regression analysis are used to examine the relationship of the variables and effect of the independent variables on dependent variables. According to the study it is recommended initiation of loyalty programs and continuous improvement of CRM activities are essential for further development of industry.
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    The Factors Affecting the Revisit Intention of Fast Food Restaurants:(With Special Reference to Generation Y in Western Province Sri Lanka).
    (Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Kuruppuarachchi, E.N.; Gayathree, D.A.G.P.K.
    The research identifies the determinants of revisit intention of fast food restaurants of Generation Y consumers in Western Province of Sri Lanka. More specifically, the research assesses the degree of influence made by determinants on revisit intention of Generation Y people; identifies the most salient determinant that influences the customer revisit intention of Generation Y to fast food restaurants; and examines whether the revisit intention vary according to their gender in Western Province of Sri Lanka. The data were gathered using a questionnaire and the collected data were analyzed by employing SPSS statistical software version 17.0. In order to test the reliability of the variable indicators, reliability test was done. The study found that revisit intention of fast food consumers of Generation Y is high and also found that all five key determinants influence the individual revisit intention. However, when it comes to group scenario, food quality, perceived value, restaurant location and restaurant image are the main influencing determinants, which is a new empirical finding. Perceived value determinant was proven to be the most salient determinant of revisit intention which is contradictory with the findings of existing literature. The study further concludes that revisit intention does not vary with the gender.
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    Study on Factors affect on the Consumer Purchase Intension on Fruit Drinks: Special Reference to Sri Lankan Beverages Market
    (Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Dhananjaya, M.T.D.; Gayathree, D.A.G.P.K.
    When it considers the type of beverages available for consumption, Fruit drinks sector is one of the largest growing subsectors of food industry in Sri Lanka. Within the current context of Fruit drinks, market place in Sri Lanka is very competitive with the presence of both international and local players who can influence consumer choice. Given this increasing demand for Fruit drinks products, this study was conducted with an attempt to identify the factors affect on the consumer purchase intension on fruit drinks, with special reference to Sri Lankan beverages market. Further it identifies the attitude towards Fruit drinks within Sri Lankan consumers. The factors which used for this research study to assess the purchase intention of Fruit drinks were Health aspect, Quality aspect, Price aspect, Brand aspect and Taste aspect. These factors were the independent variables and consumer purchase intention was the dependent variable of the research study. The sample size was 150 respondents, selected through convenience sampling from the Western Province. The data was collected through a questionnaire. The Analyzed data reveals that most of consumers are aware about Fruit drinks and majority of the respondents considered Taste, Quality and Brand aspects are the most influential factors for the consumer purchase intention.
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    Impact of Promotional Tools on Purchasing Intension of Telecommunication Networks: with special reference to educated youth generation in Colombo in Sri Lanka
    (Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Abeysinghe, M.G.H.M.; Gayathree, D.A.G.P.K.
    This research report was prepared to examine the impact of promotional tools on the purchasing intensions of telecommunication networks; with special reference to educated youth generation in Colombo. As a result of the growing competition in marketing field in the present business world, it is very important to have a vast knowledge regarding the promotional tools of telecommunications networks. It is mandatory to understand the impact of conventional and modern methods of advertising on generating revenue to the advertiser. In here conventional television advertising dimensions and modern promotional dimensions are considered the core elements of advertising. According to past studies, researchers have measured the relationship of advertising and purchasing intension referring to telecommunication networks. According to this study, the survey was conducted to examine hypothesis. Primary data was collected from 150 respondents who use mobile connections. A structured questionnaire was used as a research instrument. Respondents were selected from the university undergraduates, reachable people and employees of private companies in Colombo district. Collected data were entered to SPSS software for purpose of basic data analysis. The result revealed that the promotional tools had high impact on the purchasing intention.
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    Purchasing Intention towards Online Shopping: with special reference to M-shopping in Sri Lanka.
    (Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka., 2017) Gallage, P.M.; Gayathree, D.A.G.P.K.
    Expansion of globalization era impacts to revolution of electronic marketing. Online shopping is use e-commerce technology for better marketing performance. Online shopping industry rapidly change because of it works with technology. Therefore, the researcher decided to study purchasing intention toward online shopping with special reference to m-shopping. The population selected for the research is Sri Lanka and research narrowed down to Gampaha and Colombo districts in Sri Lanka. The sample size selected for this research study is 150 and researcher has used convenience sampling technique. Researcher findings indicated that among four factors selected for this research the most influencing and attractive factor for m-shopping in Sri Lanka is convenience, website design and features the second most influencing factor and thirdly security. Result have also showed that time saving is not much influencing factor for m-shopping in Sri Lanka. The findings revealed that the youngsters are highly engaged with the online shopping and elderly people are not so keen to shop online. Further, average income holders are more like to do online shopping than higher income holders.