ISSRS 2017

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    Geopolitics in the Indian Ocean: Importance of Sri Lanka to maintain a non – aligned foreign policy towards India, China and USA.
    (1st International Studies Students’ Research Symposium-2017 (ISSRS 2017) ,Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2017) Ranasinghe, S. P.
    In the global scenario, Indian Ocean is the ocean where the global superpower USA and emerging global powers, India and China have their keen interest on. This is due to the strategic importance of Indian Ocean in military and economic wise and all these countries want to make a tight relationship with Sri Lanka because of its strategic importance of the location situated at the heart of the Indian Ocean. This study intends to examine how Sri Lanka can peruse a very tactful foreign policy to balance diplomatic relations with all these countries while defending and achieving its economic goals and development. This research is a qualitative study based on secondary data sources relating to Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute Foreign policy forum and also from scholarly articles, books, online journals, and magazines. It is crucial for India to have Sri Lanka by its side due to the growing Chinese influence in the South Asian region. The Indian Prime minister Narendra Modi’s recent visits to Sri Lanka indicate that India wants to keep close ties with Colombo. China’s presence also shows that Sri Lanka has good relations with China and certainly it has become an important investor in Sri Lanka. Major investments such as Hambanthota port and Colombo port city show how strong economic partnerships they maintain with Sri Lanka. On the other side, the USA’s ‘The Nimitz Carrier Strike Group’ recent visit to Colombo, for the first time an aircraft carrier has visited Sri Lanka after 1985 shows their interest on Sri Lanka. It is vital to understand that India, China and USA are three countries with different strengths and weaknesses. Balancing New Delhi, Beijing and Washington should be the priority of Sri Lankan foreign policy. This research shows how Sri Lanka should maintain a non – aligned, balanced foreign policy with equal measures to all the powers and it is the best way for Sri Lanka to balance these powerful countries. Sri Lanka has to understand its capabilities and capacities where, it has to maintain a tactful foreign policy while being in a neutral position and to get the maximum out of the opportunity it has been given.
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    Exporting Power: Opportunities and Challenges for India in Fulfilling Sri Lanka’s Energy Demand.
    (1st International Studies Students’ Research Symposium-2017 (ISSRS 2017) ,Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2017) Fernando, A.L.B.
    India is actively embracing the potential of becoming the regional powerhouse through energy export. Its neighbor Sri Lanka’s total primary energy demand is expected to increase 4.9 % per annum from 2018-2037. While lower cost is the major concern in supplying energy to the local market, today policy makers also consider environmentally friendly power resources. This demand in the energy sector, with focus on renewable energy, is an opportunity for India, which has shown considerable interest in investing in renewable energy sources in recent years. The purpose of this study is to identify the opportunities and challenges India would confront when venturing into the Sri Lankan energy market. It is a qualitative data analysis conducted using secondary data sources. It analyzed the needs of Sri Lanka’s energy market, the role of India as a net exporter of power, the various energy related investment proposed by India, and the prospects for India to play a significant role in the Sri Lanka’s energy supply. The study shows that India’s proven track record with exporting electricity to neighboring Bangladesh and Nepal is testimony to its ability to fulfill the growing demand for energy in Sri Lanka. By investing in Sri Lanka’s energy market, India will benefit by establishing cross border links with neighboring countries, securing energy requirements of the region, and manifesting herself as an emerging energy player. However, India will also face significant local public displeasure at the growing Indian presence in the island while also unsettling neighbors such as China. Sri Lanka will also be suspicious of the geopolitical connotations lying beneath Indian interests and critical about India’s relentless pursuit of energy projects such as in Sampur in the past. The research concludes that India will find ample opportunity for mutual benefit by trading in energy resources with Sri Lanka. Future studies of this work could deeply analyze the pros and cons of depending on India to fulfill Sri Lanka’s energy needs.
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    War and Terrorism in Sri Lanka.
    (1st International Studies Students’ Research Symposium-2017 (ISSRS 2017) ,Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2017) Munasinghe, P.A.A.D.
    War is so common in the world today, and especially in the third world countries. Many countries in the world are engulfed by war. Civil war, ethnic war, cold war, identity wars have been the cause of ruining human civilizations. First and second world wars, ethnic war in Sri Lanka, Vietnam War etc are some of the examples of wars that have made damages the world is still recovering from. No one has forgotten 9/11. People still live in fear and terror in most of the Islamic countries. Freedom has been ditched and murdered by terrorism all over the world. Terrorism could make it impossible to imagine any free society. Our next generation might end up growing up surrounded by nuclear weapons, terrorism and human genocide. The Sri Lankan Civil War was an armed conflict fought on the island of Sri Lanka. Beginning on 23 July 1983, there was an intermittent insurgency against the government by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, which fought to create an independent Tamil state called Tamil Eelam in the north and the east of the island. After a 26-year military campaign, the Sri Lankan military defeated the Tamil Tigers in May 2009, bringing the civil war to an end. The future for the island of Sri Lanka, however, offers three stark alternatives, kill all remaining Tamils, power-sharing package and partition. Hence, the first choice would not help ease the situation for better. The second alternative is to find a solution that provides guarantees for security, stability and ethnic peace, which can be materialized in ethnically divided societies through restructuring the state system with power sharing. There should be a political appetite among masses for broader peace agendas. Importantly, there needs to be a political regime to pursue peace. Propaganda and marketing not only need to launch war, but also to seek peace. Actually, more aggressive form of propaganda and marketing is needed to seek peace in a society where symbols are sold to pursue war.
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    Convergence of India and China interests and their impact on post conflict Sri Lanka.
    (1st International Studies Students’ Research Symposium-2017 (ISSRS 2017) ,Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2017) Karunarathne, M.S.H.U.
    Convergence of India-China interests on Sri Lankan context became critical during post conflict period as it provided the platform for these two powerful nations to check and balance their interests. This paper aims at discussing the impact of their interests on post conflict Sri Lanka. The main objective of the study is to determine the imperatives of Sri Lanka’s post conflict period and identify the convergence of Indo-China interests on above context and their impact on Sri Lanka. To achieve aforesaid objectives qualitative approach has been adopted and secondary data is the main type of data obtained from various sources such as books, journal articles, newspapers, government records and other relevant documents available in both printed and electronic versions. Document analysis, theoretical analysis and descriptive analysis are used to analyze data. In document analysis documents are interpreted to give meaning and it collects available data related to the study and interprets them to find out specific issues. Concepts derived from literature review and theoretical analysis help to develop broader understanding on those issues and collect new knowledge. Descriptive analysis has also been used in certain areas to provide comprehensive understanding of collected data. The research findings conclude Chinese influence over the other regions seems inevitable with its rise as a global economic and military power which is perceived as a threat by India. India is also trying to match Chinese rise resulting suspicion and fear psychosis among one another’s achievements. Both are engaged in a competition to achieve goodwill of their neighbors. Sri Lanka has become convergence point for both India and China due to its strategic importance in the Indian Ocean and it was intensified during post conflict period. Both attempted to attract the post conflict reconstruction projects but China impressed more positively on Sri Lankan policy makers since its aid came with no influences for domestic politics. India raised the issue on reconciliation and power devolution and even supported UN resolution against Sri Lanka. Chinese approach was more peaceful and beneficial for Sri Lanka whereas India
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    The “DOKLAM” Border Standoff between Two Asian Giants.
    (1st International Studies Students’ Research Symposium-2017 (ISSRS 2017) ,Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2017) Karunarathne, M.S.H.U.
    Sino-Indian border disputes have a long history which marked the deterioration of their relations. This particular study is mainly focused on ‘Doklam’ face-off, the most recent confrontation of borderland between China and India. The tension between India and China were again intensified with the ‘Doklam’ face-off and this situation taught unforgettable lessons for both sides. The study will discuss historical background of their border disputes. The main objective is to examine the present situation of the border disputes regarding the ‘Doklam’ face-off and also discusses what types of changes will happen in their future bilateral relations regarding the ‘Doklam’ incident. Furthermore the study will examine the Bhutan factor which is the third party of the ‘Doklam’ face-off. To achieve aforesaid objectives a qualitative approach has been adopted and secondary data is the main type of data obtained from various sources such as books, journal articles, newspapers, government records and other relevant documents available in both printed and electronic versions. Document analysis and theoretical analysis are used to analyze data. In document analysis documents are interpreted to give meaning and it collects available data related to the study and interprets them to find out specific issues. Concepts derived from literature review and theoretical analysis help to develop broader understanding on those issues and collect new knowledge. The research findings conclude that Chinese influence over the other entities seems inevitable with its rise as a global economic and military power which is perceived as a threat by India. India is also trying to match Chinese rise resulting suspicion and fear psychosis among one another’s achievements. Border disputes are considered as one of the main factors which are shaping their bilateral relations. Time to time these disputes have turned their relations into tensions. The Border States and areas, such as Bhutan and ‘Doklam’ have become convergent points for both India and China due to its strategic importance in the border areas. Furthermore, this particular study emphasized the importance of resolute solution for the standoff between India and China.
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    The Effect of the Geneva Convention related to the Ethnic Crisis of Sri Lanka.
    (1st International Studies Students’ Research Symposium-2017 (ISSRS 2017) ,Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2017) Kumarasinghe, K.A.W.M.
    The Geneva issue arises with the western efforts of restoring “human right tactics” to demean Sri Lanka’s success on the international stage against the LTTE. The LTTE was ranked as the most ruthless and dangerous terrorist organization in the world at the time. They fought against Sinhala people. And the Geneva problem is not a simple case for both Sri Lanka’s economic and cultural perspectives. The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of Geneva Convention in relation to the ethnic crisis in Sri Lanka. The Geneva report recommends the investigation of the alleged human right violation in Sri Lanka since 1982. The latest Geneva report on Sri Lanka was released on September 16 in Geneva during its currently ongoing 30th session. But the present report is no different from the controversial Darusman report. In this study I wish to examine what the Geneva Convention is, how it can affect the Sri Lankan perspectives and why it became a blemish for the development process of Sri Lanka in many cases. Here, secondary data have been used which is appropriate to the topic and to conduct a qualitative data analysis. The study shows that according to the present context of the Geneva resolution and its impact on Sri Lanka the government has to agree with the principle of free and fair inquiry in the alleged war crimes. And the most controversial recommendation in the Geneva report is the “hybrid” court of inquiry which raised the doubt of the extent of involvement of the foreign judges and the demarcation of jurisdiction. The research concludes that the main economic impact of Geneva Convention related to the Sri Lankan ethnic crisis will be losing potential opportunities which will affect the tourism and foreign direct investment. And also it could affect Sr Lankan exports to western countries which are main markets for our manufactured exports. Not only that, this problem will also affect Sri Lankan independence and sovereignty as a nation.
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    Effects of migration of women to Middle East countries: Case of Sri Lanka.
    (1st International Studies Students’ Research Symposium-2017 (ISSRS 2017) ,Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2017) Dilhani, R.W.T.
    Migration is the movement of people from one place to another place for the purpose of permanent or semi-permanent residences across a political boundary. There are about 214 million estimated international migrants in the world today and among them 49% are women of the global population. More than 60,000 of Sri Lankan women are working in Middle East countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Bahrain and Qatar as housemaids. The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of migration of Sri Lankan women to Middle East countries. The number of Sri Lankan women who are migrating as house maids to Middle East countries was increased after the introduction of open economy system to Sri Lanka in 1977.Therefore,it has both micro and macro level impacts to the development of Sri Lanka in international arena. In this study I wish to examine that what is the women migration, what are the push and pull factors, how it be affected to the Sri Lankan perspectives and why it is became as a severe crisis for the development process of the Sri Lanka. Here, I used secondary data which is appropriate topic and consider qualitative data analysis. The study shows that the current situation of the migration of Sri Lankan women to Middle East countries and its impacts for the Sri Lanka. There are some push and pull factors which are motivate women to migrate as housemaids to Middle East countries. The research concludes that the impacts of migration of women which are related to the Sri Lankan economic, cultural, social and political contexts and the main impact is that, it can break up the family and it will lead to social upheaval without a mother at home. And also it could affect to the image of Sri Lanka and women of Sri Lanka within other countries. In the case of 'Rizana' we realized that how dangerous women migration of Sri Lanka to Middle East countries. However, until today migration of women plays the key role as the main income source in the economy of Sri Lanka.
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    Brexit and United Kingdom’s Future.
    (1st International Studies Students’ Research Symposium-2017 (ISSRS 2017) ,Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2017) Fernando, U.G.G.
    European Union plays an important role in multilateral organizations in the world. UK has taken a decision to leave EU. This is named as Brexit referendum in 2016. United Kingdom leaves EU for several reasons. This research is meant to find the reasons why UK left the EU and to understand its future prospects. The research has been conducted in a qualitative approach by analyzing secondary data found through academic journals, books, research papers and statistics. The analysis of these data shows several realities concerning this issue. Once a year more than 300000 immigrates are coming to UK because of which UK decreased their job opportunities. Also as a member of the EU, UK pays 350£ million every week. The counter campaign believed that it will be more useful to use the money for the sustainability in National Health Service. While UK staying as a member in EU, it should consider about immigration problems, unless immigration percentage will be more in near future. The former Prime Minister was not able to successfully promote the reasons why UK should continue to be with EU which made his policy decisions quite unreliable. In addition the Golden Brown and Sadiq Khan issue spread the situation to a conflict level. Alen Jonson and Jeramy Corbin were not supported by others. Cameron favouring Bremain campaign by Boris Jonson also tarnished his image. The senior citizens population in UK is high with nationalistic opinions and imperialist thoughts. Due to these reasons the UK should stand as a sovereign state and be independent in political and economic aspects. Considering about the Brexit, there are positive impacts like sovereignty, freedom to go outside the common Agricultural Policy and the booming of the fishing industry. There will also be no more contribution to the EU budget. However there are also negative impacts like a hard hit economy after withdrawing from the EU and safety issues.
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    New Trends of Pirate Activities off the Coast of Somalia.
    (1st International Studies Students’ Research Symposium-2017 (ISSRS 2017) ,Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2017) Madubhashini, H.K.M.S.
    The water outside the Somali coast is one of the most heavily trafficked oceanic area in the world. In 2003, a new phenomenon emerged in the coast of Somalia and in the Gulf of Aden. The fishing vessels and merchant ships were attacked by pirates of Somalia. The frequency of these attacks was rapidly increased. Somalia is not only the area affected by maritime piracy in the world, but Gulf of Aden has seen unprecedented levels of pirate attacks. It is the largest share of the global piracy activities in recent years. Continues attacks by Somali pirates reflect the economic decline, violation of maritime laws and political unrest. Piracy has led to political stability in Somalia with the economic prospect constrained and human security worsening. Somalia piracy is imposing a hidden tax on world trade. They have the ability to get support from many government officials, businessmen, clan elders and members of local communities, militia and religious leaders. Since 2005, many international organizations have expressed concern over the rise and act of piracy. International organizations covering expertise in state of law, migration management, marine contingency management, maritime law, navy operations, risk management, developments and livelihoods, humanitarian relief, peacekeeping and security sector reform in Somalia. In 2013 control the risk of Somali piracy and 90% decline in private activities. Present, Somalia making an unsteady recovery from decades of war, lack either a coastal guard or navy. Because of that, the anti-piracy navies have no mandate to stop illegal fishing. Today the pirates off the coast of Somalia are little more than memory. Armed guards aboard commercial vessels and anti-piracy patrols by international warships have suppressed piracy but not stopped it. This research on the phenomenon of piracy off the coast of Somalia is a quantitative analysis and will attempt to explain current situation in Somalia and drives of piracy in Somalia and to provide strategies to mitigate the rising costs of Somali piracy.
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    Rethinking South Asian Integration: An Analysis on Challenges and Prospects of Regional Economic Integration in South Asia.
    (1st International Studies Students’ Research Symposium-2017 (ISSRS 2017) ,Department of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka., 2017) Abeyrathne, D.M.L.K.
    Regional Integration is a process of overcoming barriers that divide neighbouring countries, by common accord, and of jointly managing shared resources and assets. Essentially, it is a process by which groups of countries liberalize trade, creating a common market for goods, people, capital and services. Realizing its importance, the South Asian region has also embarked upon various processes of regional economic integration. The aim of this study is to identify those challenges and prospects of regional economic integration in South Asia which is fraught with difficulties, especially due to a lack of understanding about the very economics of regional economic integration. South Asian regional integration is seemingly confronting many challenges. Although regional integration in South Asia has adopted a kind of institutionalization, it is yet to deliver any concrete outcome. The study is basically based on secondary data collected from different reliable sources of published journals, reports and websites. Throughout the analysis process prevailing barriers have been scrutinized on the basis of which a set of recommendations have been made. Thus, this is dwells upon some of the conceptual issues pertaining to regional economic cooperation in general and specific to the South Asian region. It also documents the progress made in SAARC, the SAFTA trade liberalization and associated mechanisms alongside the nature of safeguards provided for. High-politics and the not-so-conducive regional economic structures hinder any effectual culmination. However, constructivism, as a theory, is given due credence in this study when looking for future prospects. The study highlights the issues, and attempts to offer certain policy directions by analyzing the challenges and identifying the prospects in the on-going integration process. In this respect, developmental perspectives of safeguards are put forth. Some fresh insights on the status of SAARC trade integration process in a dynamic setting are also brought out. The study also highlights the potentials for deeper economic integration in the region. Finally, the study makes an objective assessment of the regional integration process and identifies certain structural constraints that have important policy-implications.