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Simple theorem on the integral roots of special class of prime degree polynomial equations

Show simple item record Piyadasa, R.A.D. 2015-06-01T07:37:19Z 2015-06-01T07:37:19Z 2008
dc.identifier.citation Piyadasa, R.A.D., 2008. Simple theorem on the integral roots of special class of prime degree polynomial equations, Proceedings of the Annual Research Symposium 2008, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, pp 162-163. en_US
dc.description.abstract Even in case of a simple polynomial x3 + l5xb + 28 = 0 , where (3, b) = 1 , it may be extremely difficult to discard the integral solutions without knowing the number b exactly .In this case, one can make use of the method of Tartaglia and Cardan [Archbold J.W.1961] and its solutions can be written as u + v,Ul:o + vw2 ,uw2 + vw, where u3, v3 are the roots of the equation x2 + 28x -125b3 = 0, and {J) is the cube root I . . [-28 ± .J282 + 500b3 J 3 of umty .Also, u or v can be wntten as 2 and this expression is obviously zero only when b = 0. Therefore if b :f. 0 , it is very difficult to determine that I k [-28±.J282+500b3J3. . = Th h 'lib I' d · h 2 IS an mteger or not . e t eorem w1 e exp rune m t e . following , is Capable of discarding all integral solutions of this equation using only one condition (3, b) = 1 . The theorem in its naive form discards all integral solutions of the polynomial . xP + pbx-cP = 0, where p is a prime and (p,b) = (p,c) = 1 Theorem xP + pbx-cP = 0 has no integral solutions if (p,b) = (p,c) = 1 , where b,c are any integers and p is any prime . Proof Proof of the theorem is based on the following lemma Lemma If (a,p) = (b,p) = 1, and ifs= aP-bP is divisible by p , then p2 dividess. This is true even when s = a P + bP and p is odd. Proof of the Lemma s=aP-a-(bP-b)+a-b and since s is divisible by p and aP-a ,bP-b are divisible by p due to Fermat's little theorem, it follows that a-b is divisible by p. aP -bP= (a-b)[(ap-l -bP-1)+b(aP-2 -bP-2)+ .. ·+bP-3(a-b)+ pbP-1)] (1) From ( 1 ), it follows that s is divisible by p2 • Proof of the lemma for a P +bP is almost the above. It is well known that the equation xP + pbx-cP = 0 (2) has either integral or irrational roots. If this equation has an integral root l, let x = l and (p,l) = 1. Then , lP -cP+ pbl= 0 . From the Lemma, it follows that p2 I CF - cP) .Therefore pI b , and this is a contradiction. Therefore equation has no integral roots which are not divisible by p .If it has an integral solution which is divisible by p , then let x=pf3k,(p, k)=l. Then we have, (p/3 k)P + pbp/3 k- cP = 0 ,and hence pI c ,which is again a contradiction since(p, c) = 1 which completes the proof. As an special case of the theorem , consider the equation x3 + 15xb + 28 = 0 (3) which can be written as x3 +1+15xb+33 =0 (4) and it is clear that this equation has no integral root l = O(mod 3) since 1 is not divisible by 3. If this equation has an integral root k which is not divisible by 3 , then k3 + 1 + 15kb + 32 = 0 from which it follows that 31 b due to the Lemma(in case of negative c ) and is a contradiction . Therefore the equation has no integral roots. In case of p = 2 , it follows from the theorem that the equation x2 - 2 bx- q2 =0 where (2, q) = 1 = (2, b) 'has no integral roots. Again from the theorem it follows that x P - pcx - p f3p a P - bP = 0 , where (p, c) = 1 = ( b, p) and p is a prime, has no integral solutions .. In particular here, p f3p a 3, bP are two components o( F ermat triples. It is easy to deduce that this equation has no integral roots. This theorem may hold for some other useful forms of polynomial equations. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Kelaniya en_US
dc.title Simple theorem on the integral roots of special class of prime degree polynomial equations en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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