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Dynamics of Silicon Valley Civilization in the Globalization

Show simple item record Hapuarachchi, A. 2015-05-19T06:05:52Z 2015-05-19T06:05:52Z 2007
dc.identifier.citation Hapuarachchi, Ajantha, 2007. Dynamics of Silicon Valley Civilization in the Globalization, Proceedings of the Annual Research Symposium 2007, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, pp 96. en_US
dc.description.abstract In this Paper I have tried answering some of the questions that also would define- what is Silicon Valley civilization? And why we called it a Civilization'? This paper also deals with how Silicon Valley Civilization has influenced every walk of life, particularly Education, Language, Media I echnology, Religion, Gender, and Science. Globalization in terms of its definition is mostly connected with commerce, media and communication technology that have helped the \Vorld to shrink its virtual size. Proved by the civilizations found in Mesopotamia, Babylonia, and Indus-Valleys, our species have come a long way in the industrial revolution. Silicon Valley is the birthplace of all the modern technology, which has augmented the otherwise slow paced process of globalization. We are no\v representing the Silicon Era, \\hich has cvol\cd through electric electronic and information Eras. /\II these were possible only because or the CO!lllllllllication skills and its development, the human achie\ ed over a period of time. Silicon Valle) Civilization in all about communication and exchange of ideas. All these ages we mentioned earlier came into being with special inventions. The invention of the Computer was the major discovery in the history. Digital computer cleared the path for development of technological sides of all areas under discussion. Digital era or Cybcr era started with the revolutionary discovery of computer. Computer has almost replaced human involvement in many of the works, and made life easier. Computer and the WWW enabled humans to communicate and connect to people within seconds, who arc far located. The civilization that has grown and matured in a short period of time ,which I would like refer as ''Silicon Valley civilization", is a legendary leap in the history of human, shrinking time and space considerably. As Joshep Dionne, 1987 , explains "The industrial revolution changed the way we work in two centuries. The information revolution has done as much as in tvvo decades'' If vvc consider education, culture, religion, social life, media technology. and science as parameters of civilization, \\hich are the results of human cognitive power and creati\ it), the computer technology has revolutionized the dimensions of these areas. In this paper the author wish to consider Education, Health, Language, and Religion, with special reference to Media technology within the Silicon society, which are the basic elements of civilization that help socialization from generation to generation .I would also like to pay reader's attention towards the Genetic engineering happening in this new Era than the changes of ecological dimension, political, neo-liberalism, geographical, ethical, environmental or other issues related to globalization. This paper contains two parts (a) explanations of "Civilization'' and (b) impact of IT 111 ''Globalization" with regard to the above-mentioned areas. Major objective of this paper is to make the reader think in different angle on the concept of Silicon Valley civilization and to focus on this civilization as a reason for generating all the progressive and developmental changes happened to the modern society. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Kelaniya en_US
dc.title Dynamics of Silicon Valley Civilization in the Globalization en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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