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Role of Darvee Guduchyadi Gandusha in Mukhapaka w.s.r. to Stomatitis, Cloud Publications

Show simple item record Peiris, K.P.P. Abegunasekara, N.S. Sandamali, K.I. 2019-09-03T07:34:09Z 2019-09-03T07:34:09Z 2016
dc.identifier.citation Peiris,K.P.P, Abegunasekara,N.S. and Sandamali,K.I, Role of Darvee Guduchyadi Gandusha in Mukhapaka w.s.r. to Stomatitis, Cloud Publications, International Journal of Advanced Ayurveda Research,Vol.03(I),2016,pg16-22 en_US
dc.description.abstract Muklra Swast]lya (oral llygirne) has guilled Importance now adays. because Mukhd(orai ca\iiv) is as Anga- which is exposed to many risk factors in day-to-day life. Mukhapaka is one such disease which causes a lot of dl,scoynfort to the sufferer and seen in all classes or the sociely. It is also called as Sarvasara Mukharoga, {'he aggravated L)oshas move through the oral cavity and produces thepakafsuppuration). The symptoms of Mukhapaka can be correlated to a clinical entiTy "Aphihous ulcer" explained in the contemporary medical science. which is also characterized by painlUl superficial ulcers in thc movable mucosa of the moulh with recurrent episodes. Currently. the treatment for the aphthous ulcer being very limited. the present clinical study was desig71ed to lhe efficacv of J9ctrt'ee in the same. Patiems Mukhapaka who reported 10 the .ENI* clinic at Gampaha Wickramaarachchi Ayurveda Hospilal were enro)led On The basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria and they were diAided randomly in to two groups. Group A was Treated with Kai"/.'om C uggn/nb and Dance locally Croup B SGIh only the Paiolakaruka,blliru Pantaand Kaishora Gugguluinternally. When comparing the p value, group A has shown significan results than g-rcup E for oral mucosal blisters, oral mucosal ulceration, oral Inueosal swelling and burning sensation respecrively. Croup A was found to be more efficacious in hastening The healing of Mukhapaka. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Cloud Publications en_US
dc.subject Mukhapaka en_US
dc.subject Gandusha en_US
dc.subject Aphthous Ulcer en_US
dc.title Role of Darvee Guduchyadi Gandusha in Mukhapaka w.s.r. to Stomatitis, Cloud Publications en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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