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Anagarika Dharmapala’s contribution to the International Community

Show simple item record Siddhartha, S. 2015-10-13T09:57:16Z 2015-10-13T09:57:16Z 2015
dc.identifier.citation Siddhartha, Sundari 2015. Anagarika Dharmapala’s contribution to the International Community, 150th Birth Anniversary of Anagarika Dharmapala International Conference, 21st-22nd September 2015, Department of Mass Communication, University of Kelaniya & the Ministry of Buddhasasana, Sri Lanka. en_US
dc.description.abstract One of the great revivalists of Buddhism in Sri Lanka, Anagarika Dharmapala also worked in various parts of the world, to bring back to life, the eternal values of Buddhism for the peaceful betterment of humanity. [For the ‘homeless one’- Anagaarika, the entire world was home] Two Buddhist priests appeared on the horizon and prepared the ground for Anagarika to take it up from there. “Venerable Hikkaduwe Sri Sumangala Nayake Thera & Migettuwatte Sri Gunananda Thera.” Also two Theosophists, Col. H.S.Olcott and Mme Blavatsky came to Srilanka, with the purpose of reviving Buddhism. The one country which benefitted most from his contributions was India—the birthplace of Buddha . For him, all sites, specially Bodh Gaya and Sarnath, were verily the holiest of the holy. In 1891 he established the Maha Bodhi Society. With branches all over the world it is the symbol of the revival of Buddhism in the world. Starting the Maha Bodhi Journal was a welcome move and led to his being invited to the Chicago Parliament of Religions in 1893. This revealed Buddhism to the Western world too.Visits to Japan, Shanghai and Bangkok between 1893 and 1913, highlighted his efforts for the unification of the diverse streams. In 1893,1896, 1902, and 1925, he visited America. He visited the Industrial Schools in U S A, London, Holland, Denmark and Italy. On return he established such schools in Sarnath & Benaras.Built a Buddha vihara in Calcutta. (1920). British Buddhist Mission established in London. Died in the country of his Lord Buddha at Sarnath, Benaras .His message was for the entire Globe, even though his commitment was first and foremost to his countrymen. A true world- leader. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Mass Communication, University of Kelaniya en_US
dc.subject Revivalist en_US
dc.subject Homeless-one en_US
dc.subject Mahabodhi Society en_US
dc.subject Education en_US
dc.subject unification en_US
dc.title Anagarika Dharmapala’s contribution to the International Community en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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