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Title: Social impact of Buddhist Meditation and Mental Development
Authors: Peiris, H.R.N.
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: University of Kelaniya
Citation: Peiris, H.R.N., 2008. Social impact of Buddhist Meditation and Mental Development, Proceedings of the Annual Research Symposium 2008, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, pp 50.
Abstract: Buddhist meditation is just not meant for attaining Nibbana. This could also be employed to improve life of a secular person. Sangarava Suttha in Samyutta Nikaya and Anguttara Nikaya explain how can secular person improve his life. These suttas shows that if one dwells with a mind that is obsessed and oppressed by sensual lust, ill will sloth and torpor, restlessness and worry, and doubt, neither knows nor sees as it really is or one's own good or the good of others; or the good of both. Aranna N agopama Satta inAnguttarna Nikaya explains how one can clear his mind from five hindrances and what the benefits he gains by it are. Lord Buddha said in Samadhi Bhavana Sutta in Samytta Nikaya "Develop concentration. One who is concentrated understands things as they are." There are three ways of making merit according to the Punnakiriyavatta sutta. They are 1. Making merit by giving alms 2. Making merit by virtue 3. Making merit by development of meditation According to the Sutta it is clear that mediation is one of the three which will help making merit. And it shows that giving alms, virtue and developing meditation are interconnected. According Visuddhimagga there are forty meditation subjects which came under seven I categories. If we take the first four catergaries for example, 1. There are ten kasinas, which develop concentration 2. There are ten foulness, which helps to understand the nature of the body and the world 3. There are ten recollections, which helps to understand the reality of the world 4. Four abodes will helps to develop healthy relationship with others. All these subjects are focus on the person's mental development which help him to maintain a proper social life. Therefore Buddhist meditation can be used as a tool to manage organizations which have to manage people; such as schools, universities, and work organizations.
Appears in Collections:ARS - 2008

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