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dc.contributor.authorThalpawila O Nen_US
dc.description.abstractIn the first three decades of post independent period India ? Sri Lanka relations were cordial and understanding. In 1980s the relations between both countries were deteriorated with escalating of civil war in Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan government defeated the LTTE and ended 26 years of civil war in May 2009. India?s concern regarding this situation arises in the post conflict era. The aim of this paper is to review the bilateral relations between India and Sri Lanka during the first three years from the end of civil war. The study based on secondary data and chronological analysis method has been used to analyse the bilateral relations. India was involved in assisting to rebuild the war torn areas in Sri Lanka. Two debated issues were highlighted on relations during that period between the two countries. The issues of war crimes and human rights violations in Sri Lanka was focused upon and India allied with the international community against Sri Lanka. Secondly, illegal fishing carried out by Tamil Nadu fishermen in Sri Lankan waters reached up to diplomatic level. Tamil Nadu politics has influenced thoroughly to determine the Indian central government policy. The geopolitical context influences bilateral relations of the countries in their foreign policies.en_US
dc.publisherCulture, Globalization and the Developing World, 2nd ICSSen_US
dc.titleIndia ? Sri Lanka bi-lateral relations: post-civil war era in Sri Lanka-
Appears in Collections:International Conference on Social Sciences 2013

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