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Title: Important Factors of Influencer Marketing and Brand Awareness for Female Start Up in Sri Lanka
Authors: Abrose, M. I. F.
Keywords: Brand Awareness, Female Startup Business, Influencer Marketing
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka
Citation: Abrose, M. I. F. (2023), Important Factors of Influencer Marketing and Brand Awareness for Female Start Up in Sri Lanka, 14th International Conference on Business and Information, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka. 17
Abstract: Influencer marketing has recently grown popular. Influencers have devoted fan audiences that rely on their product judgment and back them through their recommendations. This study was carried out to determine whether influencer marketing effects customer purchasing behavior and brand awareness of female startup enterprises considering the growing number of new businesses in Sri Lanka. The study uses five influencer marketing factors: influencer identification, skill, content attractiveness, online presence, and influencer marketing on various platforms. The study, which employed a quantitative research methodology, found that each of the five characteristics has a modest to moderately positive link with the others and that all five are crucial to customers. Only three, nevertheless, have a substantial effect on raising the visibility and reputation of start-up companies: Influencer identification, influencer expertise, and influencer online presence. Future researchers can extend the area of study by including both male and female startup businesses.
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