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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 195 of 195
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Degradability of biodegradable polymers in freshwater, and sediment under laboratory conditionsWijetunge, D. S.; Ranatunga, R. R. M. K. P.; Manage, P. M.
2023The vegetation structure and floristic composition of tropical rainforest landscape, at Udakiruwa, Sri LankaSanjeewa, U. D. L.; Singhalage, I. D.; Perera, G. A. D.; Kaliyadasa, P. E.; Kumara, P. H. T.; Ediriweera, E. P. S. K.
2023Analysis of groundwater used in areas beyond the National Water Board distribution network in RatnapuraKarunasena K, . K. A. D. A.; de Silva, D. S. M.; Hakmanage, N. M.
2023Analyses of biometric growth parameters and feeding habits of Mugil cephalus (Flathead mullet): One of the economically important fish species collected from Negombo LagoonNimasha, N. T. P.; Perera, H. A. C. C.
2023Optimizing growth conditions for vegetative propagation of Near Threatened (NT) epiphytic Cactus Rhipsalis baccifera sub sp. Mauritiana (DC.) Barthlott. (Cactaceae)Senanayaka, S. G. M. S. D.; Ratnayake, R. M. C. S.; Senanayake, R. A. S. P.; Attanayake, A. M. A. S.
2023Effects of a commercial probiotic incorporated feed on growth performance and nutrient digestibility of fancy guppy, Poecilia reticulata (Poecilidae)Dissanayake, D. S.; Epa, U. P. K.; Kumara, K. R. P. S.
2023Formulation of novel organic liquid fertilizer for growth enhancement of ornamental cactus: Opuntia microdasys (Lehm.) PfeiffRanathunga, R. M. T. K.; Ratnayake, R. M. C. S.
2023Assessment of water quality and pollution state using selected physicochemical parameters and bioindicators in “Modi canal” GallePerera, U. V. D. H.; Guruge, W. A. H. P.
2023Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using Camonea bifida leaf extract and investigation of antimicrobial propertiesJayawardena, Y. R.; Senevirathna, J. Y.; Peiris, M. M. K.
2023Zinc oxide nanoparticles synthesized using Camonea bifida leaf extract as a potential antimicrobial and antibiofilm agentJayalath, C. N.; Kaluarachchi, D. U.; Peiris, M. M. K.
2023Assessment of level of public knowledge, attitude, and perception towards sustainable mangrove forest conservation: a case study from Negombo region, Sri LankaWickramasingha, W. S. B.; Perera, W. W. A. M. R.; Kodithuwakku, K. C.; De Silva, K. V. N. T.; Karunarathne, D. M. S. D.
2023Identification of plant based anti-diabetic drug leads: A computer-based drug discovery approachKatipearachchi, S. H.; Faizan, M.; Kalansuriya, P.; Attanayake, A. P.
2023Preliminary studies of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities in methanol extracts of mistletoe (Pilila) in guavaTharakee, D. H.; Kadigamuwa, C. C.
2023Effect of farm management practices on the welfare of dairy cows and microbiological quality of raw milk in Naththandiya area, Sri LankaJayaweera, A. B.; Kamanee, P. U.; Senaratne, G. G.; Weerasinghe, W. P. C. G.
2023A taxonomic survey of fireflies (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) in selected sites of Rammale Forest Reserve, Southern, Sri LankaDe Silva, D. R.; Wijekoon, W. M. C. D.; Madushanka, A. D. T. I.; Wegiriya, H. C. E.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 195 of 195