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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 195
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Assessment of contaminant levels of hazardous toxic metals and subsequent risk analysis in agricultural soil and selected comestibles within a region afflicted by CKDu in Sri LankaPerera, M. A. S. N.; Kadigamuwa, C. C.; Gunathilaka, V. H. N. M.; Samaraweera, G. A.; Perera, W. P. R. T.; Perera, P. L. R. A.; Liyanage, J. A.; Premaratne, W. A. P. J.
2023Distribution of heavy metals across different tissue types in Etroplus suratensis from Mahakanadarawa reservoir: Investigating dietary implications for CKDu in Sri LankaPerera, P. L. R. A.; Perera, W. P. R. T.; Liyanage, U. P.; Premaratne, W. A. P. J.; Liyanage, J. A.
2023The effect of bisphenol A and its analogue, bisphenol S on stress response of developing zebrafish (Danio rerio)Shanika, K. P. W. D.; Rajapaksa, G.
2023Profiling of phytochemical composition and potential bioactive compounds in Calotropis giganteaKumari, P. K. R. S.; Edirisinghe, E. M. R. K. B.
2023Characterization of lipolytic bacteria isolated from oil mill wasteDias, P. P. C. M.; Rathnayake, I. V. N.
2023Biosurfactant production by bacteria isolated from petroleum contaminated soilSandeepani, A. M. S.; Rathnayake, I. V. N.
2023A comparative study of the nutritional, pharmaceutical and photoprotective properties of almond (Prunus dulcis) and tropical almond (Terminalia catappa) nutsPanditharathna, G. M.; Rajapakse, C. S. K.
2023Effect of almond-based diet, on the growth performance and selected hematological parameters of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlingsGunawardana, M. P. P.; Parakrama, M. G. I. S.; Rajapakshe, A. D. W. R.; Weerasinghe, R.
2023Effect of dietary supplementation of probiotics and ascorbic acid on the growth, survival and haematological parameters, and enhancement of resistance to bacterial infections in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)Nethmini, A. G. C.; Parakrama, M. G. I. S.; Rajapakshe, A. D. W. R.; Weerasinghe, R.
2023A preliminary assessment of odonate (Insecta: Odonata) diversity and abundance in Mihintale lake and Kaludiyapokuna in Mihintale, AnuradhapuraRajapaksha, K. A. T.; Hettiarachchi, D. K.
2023Assessment of the antioxidant, anti-diabetic, and anti-obesity activities of a Sri Lankan "spice" mixture at different storage conditions used for treating obesityJayawantha, M. L. D. C.; Manuha, M. I.; Paranagama, P. A.
2023Assessment of heavy metals in oysters (Crassostrea cucullata), sediments, and water in selected locations of Negombo estuaryPremananda, N. S. N. S.; Arachchige, Y. L. N. M.; Hemachandra, C. K.
2023Evaluation of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of leaves of Impatiens RepensSilva, D. T. D.; Abeykoon, A. M. D. M. B.
2023Bioremediation potential of wood-associated fungi in Rajawaka forest reserve, BalangodaNadungamuwa, D. M. H. S. K.; Kannangara, B. T. S. D. P.; Daranagama, D. A.
2023Effects of climate change on early life history stages of selected montane forest species in Sri LankaGunawardana, D. D. D. D.; Fernando, M. T. R.
2023Antimicrobial activity of poly-herbal formula “Dasapanguwa” against several Gram positive bacteria and Gram negative bacteriaSamaraweera, G. A.; Gunathilaka, V. H. N. M.; Perera, M. A. S. N.; Perera, P. D. V. M.; Wageesha, N. D. A.; Kadigamuwa, C. C.
2023Imposex in the gastropod, Thais clavigera as a sensitive biomarker for tibutyltin (TBT) pollutionBandara, K. R. V.; Manage, P. M.
2023Changes in the composition and diversity of standing vegetation and soil seed bank in a lowland wet evergreen forestImbuldeniya, T. D.; Wijetunga, A. S. T. B.; Fernando, M. T. R.
2023Spatial variations of macrobenthic assemblage structure along paddy-based runof- river irrigation system: A case study from Colombo, Sri LankaDasanayaka, D.M.P.I.; Najim, M.M.M.
2023Evaluation of in vitro antioxidant, anti-inflammatory activities and photoprotective properties of methanolic extracts of fruits, leaves and bark of Flacourtia indicaDisanayake, D. M. S. T.; Rajapakse, C. S. K.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 195