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dc.contributor.authorSamarasinghe, D.W.O.S
dc.identifier.citationSamarasinghe, D.W.O.S(2021)මව්වරුන් විදේශගත වීම ළමා අපයෝජන කෙරෙහි ඇති කරන බලපෑම - (පඬුවස්නුවර නැගෙනහිර ප්‍රාදේශීය ලේකම් කොට්ඨාශය ඇසුරෙන්) MSSc Thesis. University of Kelaniyaen_US
dc.description.abstractThe current study was focused on the impact of emigration of mothers on the child abuse of the people who live in Divisional Secretariat Division, Panduwasnuwara East. The child abuse is a social problem which is discussed often within the society. Even though there are high rules and regulation against the child abuse, in society, it is continuously happening and is an over whelming problem which is not having a permanent solution. Also any child is possible to get abused by any person at any time. Further, it can be identified as emigration of mothers is a fact which has an impact on that type of abuse. Especially, this situation is increased in rural areas and it can be identified as a “hidden crime” which is not disclosed to the society. Child abuse can be described as physically harassing a child, killing, threatening to kill or using the children for sexual satisfaction and also not giving love and affectionate for the child. Accordingly, the main problem of the current study was how the emigration of mothers can impact on child abuse while identifying the impact on child abuse was the main objective. It can be hypothesized that immigration of mothers will caused to increase the child abuse. This study was a descriptive cross sectional study and the data were collected by using a mixed method. Twenty of abused male and female children aged from 4-17 years who belong to emigrated families which included to 36 of gramaseva divisions in Divisional secretariat panduwasnuwara-East in kurunegala district, north western province selected as study population. From this study, it was able to identify that there are lot of problems within the emigrated families. Those families are endowed the abuse children for the society as a result of not having inter relationships within the family. Moreover, majority of families which having emigrated mothers were identified as “broken families” and also identified that an unprotected situation for the children is created due to emigration of their mothers. The study was concluded that the children whose mothers are emigrated, have faced to different abuses due to the problems about their guardianship.en_US
dc.subjectchild abuse, emigrated families, emigrated mothers, broken families, migrationen_US
dc.titleමව්වරුන් විදේශගත වීම ළමා අපයෝජන කෙරෙහි ඇති කරන බලපෑම - (පඬුවස්නුවර නැගෙනහිර ප්‍රාදේශීය ලේකම් කොට්ඨාශය ඇසුරෙන්)en_US
Appears in Collections:Masters Theses - Faculty of Social Sciences

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