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dc.contributor.authorDissanayake, K.G.C.-
dc.contributor.authorTiwari, S.K.-
dc.identifier.citationDissanayake, K.G.C. and Tiwari, S.K. (2007). Clinical evaluation of the Anti-inflammatory action of Dashanga Leph along with Arka Patra Sweda in Amavata Patients. National Conference on Ayurveda (Ayurveda - 2007), Tathagat Ayurved Research Foundation, India. P.41en_US
dc.description.abstractAmavata, a disease with the diathesis of depletion of agni which in turn leads to acclimation of variety of by-products of faulty digestion and metabolism in the body. Such by-products called Ama are physically similar to kapha. Because joints are the major seats of kapha. They are the major victim, characterized by chronic painful swelling. Pain is the major end point of treatment of these patents. Thus, the prime aim of treatment is to reduce pain. Amavata has very close relevance to Rheumatoid arthritis with unknown etiology of the modern medicine. Painkillers used for treatment in modern medicene for this, which include Aspirin and several other NSAlDs are known to cause severe gastric irritation upon prolong usage. In Ayurveda, the principles of treatment for Amavata are promotibn of agni, depletion of Ama and palliation of vitiated vata locally as well as generally to help reduce articular and extra-articular manifestations. Conventionally in Ayurveda application of Ushna, Ruksha, Vata nashak lepa is used to reduce pain and swelling. Since, this same effect is produced by local applicaton of Dashang leph along with Arka patra sweda over affected joints. This treatment has resulted in success to a greater extend in amavata patients.en_US
dc.publisherNational Conference on Ayurveda (Ayurveda - 2007), Tathagat Ayurved Research Foundation, Indiaen_US
dc.subjectDashanga leph, Amavata, treatmenten_US
dc.titleClinical evaluation of the Anti-inflammatory action of Dashanga Leph along with Arka Patra Sweda in Amavata Patientsen_US
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