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Title: Review on the Effect of Oral Administration of Two Different Oils in Hyperlipidemia Patients
Authors: Dharmasena, K.N.A.
Dissanayake, K.G.C.
Keywords: Hyperlipidemia, Oil Ingestion, Sesame oil , Ghee
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: 03rd International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo
Citation: Dharmasena, K.N.A. and Dissanayaka, K.G.C. (2015). Review on the Effect of Oral Administration of Two Different Oils in Hyperlipidemia Patients. 03rd International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Traditional Medicine, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo. P.173
Abstract: Hyperlipidemia is one of the health burdens in the world. As per the Ayurveda classics, it can be co-related with Medoroga. Ayurveda perspectives and scientific studies have shown effectiveness Of Virechana on Hyperlipidemia: nevertheless, oil ingestion in high doses is mandatory before Virechana. Still it is controversial on Hyperlipidemia patients. This is an attempt to rectify the Oil ingestion and discuss the efficacy Of two commonly used oils; ghee & sesame oil on hyperlipidemia by compilation of pharmacological, Bio-chemical and Theraprutic attributes. Hence, it was designed to cover the literature of modern scientific findings. Studies have shown a significant lowering of cholesterol by ingested oil as not seated in body tissues. Eventually, enhancing digestion and lowering lipoprotems in the blood. As Ayurveda pharmacology sesame has Madura, KashayaRasas, sukshma ,Vyavai , Laghu , UshanGunas, UshnaVeerya, Madura Vipaka properties. Ghee has Madura Rasa, Guru, Snigda, SheethaGunas, SheetaVeerya,MaduraVipakaproperties. As analysis 47.8% Saturated fatty acids (FA), 15%- 18% Monosaturated FA,3% - 6% polyunsaturated FA. But sesame oil contain 39.7% MonounsaturatedFA, 41.7% polyunsaturated FA , 14.2%saturated FA. Treatment principles of Medoroga emphasized to manage with Lagu, Ruksha,Ushna food and medicines.Considering the properties of both oils, Sesame oil is suitable for treating Medoroga. Bio-chemically sesame oil has PolyunsaturatedFA than ghee, which exerts hypocholestremia. Study reveals a potent hypocholestremic effect on oil administration, which replenish by Sesame oil comparing to ghee. Further Extensive investigation is mandatory to have a deeper insight of this phenomenon.
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