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Title: A Comparative Study Based on Päli Literature and Mahäbhärata
Authors: Ven. Dhammissara, M.
Keywords: Pali Literature
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: National Seminar on Buddhism in Literature, Santiniketan, India
Citation: Ven. Dhammissara,M., A Comparative Study Based on Päli Literature and Mahäbhärata, National Seminar on Buddhism in Literature, Santiniketan, India(2002)
Abstract: Human beings are mostly organized to sole the problems they face. As a group, they organize themselves to live In various situations. And noteworthy personals arise because each and everybody dose not have secluded enough knowledge. Those kinds of personals are considered as wiser than the common people. They might have been named as 'Isi' or 'Rsi' and meaning as "Seers" "Seers who sees better than the others or "who proceeds". It is true, according to the Bhagavadgtta they are awakened while other beings are sleeping (yå ni'ä sarvabhfitänalfl tasyäy;z )ägarti sayilyamt So far as we know the concept of Rsi has been drawn smce remote past, of which exact time can not be mentioned. Here it is a brief discussion about isi and reflected in both Buddhist and Hindu traditions. Therefore, we have discussed here only about few main point, which can be seen in Pali Canon and Commentaries and has been compared with Hindu view, which Can be seen in the Mahabharata. As an introduction to the concept of rsi the Rgveda draws attention at its beginning.
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