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dc.contributor.authorPushpakumara, A.A.J.,
dc.contributor.authorJayaratne, D.L.
dc.contributor.authorSamaranayake, G.V.P.
dc.identifier.citationPushpakumara A.A.J., Jayaratne D.L., Samaranayake G.V.P., Antibacterial Activity of Euphobia antiquorum latex, International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science and Research, Volume 02, Issue 02, IJAPSR- 2017, 15-17en_US
dc.description.abstractEumorbia antrquorum is a shrub tree Monging to the largest and the rnost family in the plant kingdom. Euphorbiaceae. E emnquram latex was used as a classical binding agent the kshu-a sutra in the management of the anal fistula. In the present study, an attempt made to evaluate the antimicrobial properties of latex Of E. antiquorum on certain microbes. methanolic extract Of the latex prepared. The fractions of methanol extract were tested br their antibacterial activity against the Gram positi•.e bwteria, Streptococus agrlactiæ and aweus Gram negative bacteria Escherichia coli and P. aeruginosa. results revealed that the latex showed minimum inhibition only to E coli and S aureus_ Latex did not antibacterial activity against S agalactiae and P. aerugintßa_ results suggest that the E. anuquorum latex extract account for the antibacterial propcrtics and has a potential use as an antimicrobial agent.en_US
dc.publisherInternational Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science and Researchen_US
dc.subjectEumorbia anüquorumen_US
dc.subjectantibacterial activityen_US
dc.subjectanal fistulaen_US
dc.titleAntibacterial Activity of Euphobia antiquorum latexen_US
Appears in Collections:Basic Principles

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