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Title: Anti-bacterial Activity of different extract of Curcuma longa in the management of Fistula in ano
Authors: Pushpakumara, A.A.J.
Jayaratne, D.L
Samaranayake, G.V.P.
Keywords: Curcuma longa
Agar well diffision method Antibacterial Etivity
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Citation: Pushpakumara A.A.J., Jayaratne D.L., Samaranayake G.V.P., Anti-bacterial Activity of different extract of Curcuma longa in the management of Fistula in ano, European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 04, Issue 03, ISSN 2349-8870, EJBPS 2017, 68-71pp
Abstract: Ayurvedic parasurgieal treatment procedure Ksharasutra was one of the effective treatment for management of the fistula in ano. Curcuma longa was the one of the main ingredient in a thread. In the present work an attempt hæ; been made to analyn the antibacterial and potential of methanol, ethanol and aqueous extracts of Curcuma longa against E coli S. aureug, Sagalactiae and P_aeruginosa among bacterial strains by disc diffusion method and the antibacterial were determined by masuring the diameter of mne of inhibition. The reports on extraction method using soxhlet extractor The methanol extracts of Curcuma longa p»ssessed the highest antibacterial with a zone of inhibition of 34 mm for, S aureus and lowest 13mm for P. aeruginosa, ethanol extract has range of Of inhibition 3 1 mm-IOmm while lowest antibacterial activities was reported alueous extract range 28mm-l I mm zone Of inhibition
Appears in Collections:Basic Principles

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