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Title: Modern Approaches in Sanskrit Studies (With Special Reference to the 17th World Sanskrit Conference)
Authors: Ven. Indananda, W.
Ven. Wimalakhanthi, G.
Keywords: Sanskrit studies
Computational Sanskrit
Digital Humanities
Manuscript logy
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: International Conference on Sanskrit and Eastern Studies, 2018 Department of Sanskrit and Eastern Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Citation: Ven. Indananda, W. and Ven. Wimalakhanthi, G. (2018). Modern Approaches in Sanskrit Studies (With Special Reference to the 17th World Sanskrit Conference). International Conference on Sanskrit and Eastern Studies, 2018 Department of Sanskrit and Eastern Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.p54
Abstract: The objective of this paper is reveal the modern tendencies of Sanskrit Studies as experienced at the 17th World Sanskrit Conference (WSC) held at the University of British Columbia, Canada on July 09 – 13, 2018. Combination between the Sanskrit knowledge possessed by the Indians and other Asian scholars and the ideologies of western intellectuals have been paved the way to derive new approaches in Sanskrit studies. Due to the association of these two traditions, the field of Sanskrit studies has influenced critical and comparative aspects. Modern Sanskrit scholars are using these two aspects to reveal different concepts and sources viz. discussing an ideology in an analytical viewpoint focusing on diverse concepts and texts. Linking Sanskrit studies to other disciplines such as linguistics, religious studies, law and society, scientific literature, Economics and Management etc. and revealing the hidden meanings of the texts are other approaches prevailing in the present Sanskrit studies. As a result of the association of modern technology, new research areas have been added to the Sanskrit studies like 'Computational Sanskrit and Digital Humanities'. Creating opportunities to Learn Sanskrit online, introducing simple and easy ways to learn Sanskrit, enhancing e-sources, bridging the gap between the computer and Sanskrit studies are some new approaches emerged in Sanskrit studies. Other than that, Manuscript logy, a newly introduced subject to study on manuscript in a scientific way is a popular topic among modern Sanskrit scholars. Meantime, it aids to the process of editing and translating Sanskrit texts in an effective way. In addition, promoting Spoken Sanskrit (Sambhāṣaṇa-Saṃskṛta) is considered as a worthy option to preserve the lively nature of Sanskrit. Therefore, the present Sanskrit scholars, especially in India, pay a great attention to promote Sanskrit as a conversational language under a proper mechanism, apart from an academic language. In the same way, while paying enough attention on the ancient literary works in a critical way, promoting the modern Sanskrit writings and observing the nature therein are major activities in the present Sanskrit studies
Appears in Collections:ICSES 2018

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