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Title: Review of Akshiprasadana Ahara Viharana: a conceptual study.
Authors: Madhushani, N.V.P.S.
Alahakoon, D.B.G.S.
Keywords: Akshiprasadana
eye sight
Ahara Viharana
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Department of Shalya Shalakya,Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute,University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka
Citation: Madhushani, N.V.P.S. and Alahakoon, D.B.G.S. (2017). Review of Akshiprasadana Ahara Viharana: a conceptual study. Salakya Sandipani, Department of Shalya Shalakya,Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute,University of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka.p 119.
Abstract: In today's world not only the elders but also young people are affected by vision problems. According to Ayurveda philosophy, Drishtidosha or the failing vision is believed to result from the local Doshas deranged and aggravated by such causes as diving in water immediately after an exposure to the heat and the glare of the sun, gazing at distant objects, sleep in the day time and keeping up late hours in the night, worry and fatigue, sexual excesses, voluntary repression of any call of nature, exposure to smoke or dust, constant contraction of the eyes to adjust the sight to extremely small objects, etc. The eyesight can be improved by proper diet, proper lifestyle and proper environment. According to Panchapadarthas foods have Madura, Amla, Katu rasa, Snigdha, Sheetha, Guru Guna, Sheethaveerya, Madura Vipaka are Chaksusya properties. Some of these foods include sugar cane, pomegranate, Godhuma, Yava, Mudga, and Ghee. According to the modern science, foods enriched in lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamins A, C, E, beta-carotene, omega – 3 fatty acids, zinc, selenium, etc. help in protecting and increasing the eye sight. Spinach, kale, and other dark green-leafy vegetables, carrots and other orange colored fruits and vegetables, citrus fruits, nuts, whole grains, egg, cold water sh are the top sources enriched with above nutrients to improve eyesight. There are several eye exercises that help in minimizing the eye strain and help see better as well. These exercises include palming exercise, tromboning exercise, scanning exercise and rolling exercise. Hydrotherapy, massaging and monitoring environment properly help in keeping eye sight well without using spectacles or medicines.
Appears in Collections:1st-2017

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