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Title: පුරාණ මානවයාගේ පාෂාණ හා ඛණිජ භාවිතය
Authors: Jayathilake, I.K.
Keywords: පුරාණ මානවයා
පාෂාණ හා ඛණිජ භාවිතය
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: SIDA/SAREC Research Library, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Citation: Jayathilake, I.K. 2015. පුරාණ මානවයාගේ පාෂාණ හා ඛණිජ භාවිතය. සරසවි ලේඛා, SIDA/SAREC Research Library, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 04: 203-209.
ISBN: 2012-9629
Appears in Collections:Volume 04 - 2015

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