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dc.contributor.authorVen. Da Xing-
dc.identifier.citationVen. Da Xing 2016. A Rediscovery of the Connotative Trimūla in Patañjali’s Yoga-Sūtra. International Conference on Sanskrit Studies (ICSS), 04th November 2016, Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya. p 50.en_US
dc.description.abstractAccording to Indian Yoga history, Yoga was originated from the Indus Valley Civilization that the practice had been adopted for the enhancement of physical condition, mental training and spiritual development of ancient sages, and since then the path of Yoga has spread throughout the world in the modern society.Inthe Yogadarśana, the theory of Yoga was descended fromthe Indian Brāhmaṇa and Śramaṇatraditionsconventionally. Among them, especially, Yoga is built on a fundamental of Sāṃkhya philosophy with the practice of the Eightfold Path (Skt.aṣṭāṅgayoga). As it is well known thatthe system of causation which is known as the Cause of the Effect Pre–existence (satkāryavāda) associatethe Four Realities (caturvyūha) with the Three Characteristics of Essence (triguṇa)from the evolution (utpatti) of the Pañcaviṃśatitattva tod evolution way(pralaya) for tracing back to the Prakṛti and finally attaining theoriginal state of isolation (kaivalya) to the end of suffering and the cycle of rebirth. But then the only theistic concept which is also known as theistic Yoga (seśvarasāṃkhya) and reflect on the Three Eternal Attributes (trimūla) as Eternal Dogma (sanātana-dharma) differs from atheistic Sāṃkhya (nirīśvarasāṃkhya) because it is inherited from theBrāhmaṇa tradition. In fact, the Eternal Dogma revealed with the Three Eternal Attributes are absolute qualities and essences known as Satcitānanda that implied the Absolute Existence (sat) as Permanence(nitya), Eternal Consciousness (cit)as Purified Soul (ātma) and Ultimate Bliss (ānanda) as Oneness (yoga) which is meant the Purified Soul merge with the Omniscienceto get the discriminative knowledge (vivekakhyati) for eradicated efilement (kleśā)or the Cessation of Mental Fluctuation (cittavṛttinirodha)and give assistance to yogis release from Duḥkha and Saṃsāraand achieve the Absorption of the Dharma-cloud (dharmameghasamādhi) which is also known as the Unification of Individual Soul with Universal Soul as the final goal of salvation.The purpose of this research is to rediscover of the connotative Trimūlaas primary conceptual theories and terminologies are formulated into a logical philosophical structure and designed in order to help practitioners proper understand and perform the spiritual development with realities.en_US
dc.publisherDepartment of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniyaen_US
dc.titleA Rediscovery of the Connotative Trimūla in Patañjali’s Yoga-Sūtraen_US
Appears in Collections:ICSS 2016

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