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Title: Significance of Performing Arts as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Sri Lanka
Authors: Jayathunga, M.
Keywords: intangible culture
Sri Lanka
performing arts
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Sojo University
Citation: Jayathunga, M. 2015. Significance of Performing Arts as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Sri Lanka. Bulletin of the Faculty of Art, Sojo University, 9: 98-106.
Abstract: Cultural divelsit-v ol a cotirtrl is mainlv baseci on ethnicity and religiositl' ol rt: rnhabrtants. Culture of cnch ethnic comr.nuniq depends on thcir customs. bclicfs^ rituals. superstitions. conrmunication and oral tradition. During thc course of time sorne ethnic communitics of Sri Larrka hal'e decreascd in nLLmbers and somc are d.ving out rapidl1,. But throughout historr.' frot.n generatron to generation they havc transrr-rittcd l<nori lcdge. prccticei. repreicnlillioni. e\frciiir,n. and skills. Alt of pertbnr-rance is one of the pou,erful media r.r,hich hclpccl thcrn to transrnit their traditional knou,ledge ancl skills. All practices of diflerent communities ol Sri Lanha has corne do$,n to ns as intangible cultural heritage of the country.
Appears in Collections:Fine Arts

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