Management of Second Degree Hemorrhoids with the application of Achyrenthus aspera alkali powder: a case report
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National Research Symposium -2016, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka,
Hemorrhoid, which is a condition defined as the symptomatic enlargement and distal
displacement of the normal anal cushions, affects millions of people around the world, and
represent a major medical and socioeconomic problem. Multiple factors have been claimed to
be the etiologies of hemorrhoidal development, including constipation and prolonged
straining. Abnormal dilatation and distortion of the vascular channel, together with
destructive, changes in the supporting connective tissue within the anal cushion, are
paramount findings of hemorrhoidal disease. Application of alkali (kshara karma) is a para
surgical procedure indicated in the management of hemorrhoids, which has been extensively
described in Susrutasamhita under the category of eight major diseases (Ashtamahagada). It
is mentioned that alkali (kshara) can exert the properties of incision (chedana), excision
(bhedana) and scraping (lekhana) without using surgical instruments. It destroys unhealthy
tissues and removes debris while promoting the growth of new granulations. Achyrenthus
aspera alkali powder (AAAP) is a water soluble caustic extract derived from the ash of
Achyrenthus aspera plant. Because of its numerous medicinal properties, it is used in a wide
range of diseases both externally and internally. In this case report, the effect of the
application of AAAP on haemorrhoids is discussed. A 30 year old male patient visited
surgical clinic of Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Teaching Hospital with complaints of severe pain, bleeding per rectum, protrusion of a mass from anus on defecation. After
systematic clinical examination the case was diagnosed as a second degree hemorrhoid at 3,
7, and 11 (Yclock positions. This case was managed with the application of AAAP. AAAP
was applied on the oedematous mass in the anal canal with the help of proctoscope and after
one minute it was neutralized with the application of lime (Citrus aurantifolia) juice. This
procedure was performed for 14 days without administration of any other medicine. After 14
days of treatment it was noted that the oedematous mass became shrink on proctoscopy and
per rectal bleeding resolved. Further, the patient relieved from all symptoms gradually within
the period of treatment. On this ground, it could be postulated that the application of AAAP
would be effective in the management of second degree haem01Thoids.
Achyrenthus aspera, Alkali powder, Kshara, haemorrhoid
Samaranayake G.V.P., Pushpakumara A.A.J., Management of Second Degree Hemorrhoids with the application of Achyrenthus aspera alkali powder: a case report, National Research Symposium -2016, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 22nd December 2016. 21 pp