Real-time big data video analytics for unorganized traffic environments
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Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Traffic on local roads has reached such a level that it is necessary to address the issue
of traffic congestion and seek complex transport solutions for the city. Increase of
the number of vehicles on the road becomes one of the key reasons for increasing
traffic congestion. Traffic congestion is associated with massive financial and manhour
loss and therefore attempts to alleviate this has been of keen interest. The basis
of almost all those approaches is traffic monitoring and analysis, leading to having
an effective traffic management system. Most traffic management systems are
applied in well-organized traffic environments such as highways, where driver
discipline is high. But in unorganized urban environments as seen in Sri Lanka, road
traffic behavior vary from the accepted standards. Driver and pedestrian indiscipline
cause huge traffic congestions in urban areas. Hence in such a scenario, a system that
monitors road traffic on different traffic environments is very useful. There are
several existing techniques such as Magnetic Loops, Microwave RADAR, Infrared
Detectors, Ultrasonic Detectors and Camera Based Systems. Traffic monitoring
systems require short processing time, low processing cost and high reliability.
Therefore, according to the literature, camera-based monitoring is the best-suited
technique for traffic monitoring. Real-time video analytics are part of a centralized
approach to modern traffic management which is defined as computer vision-based
surveillance that provides algorithms for object detection, tracking, classification and
trajectory analysis using real-time traffic surveillance video. It usually uses roadside
cameras (CCTV) to obtain traffic information and transmit it to central servers,
exhibiting real-time operability of big data.
In this study, several approaches and algorithms for moving object detection, based
on temporal differencing method, optical flow method, background filtering are
compared and a novel real-time vehicle detection and classification algorithm based
on background filtering will be proposed and re-engineered in order to be applicable
to challenging unorganized traffic environments. The solution will classify vehicles
individually and their trajectories in real time in unorganized traffic environments in
order to analyze the behaviors of the drivers as well as pedestrians on the road. We
use OpenCV which is a library of programming functions mainly aimed at real-time
computer vision, for implementing and testing algorithms. Data will be collected via
pre-recorded video clips from Kiribathgoda junction in the western province, for the
testing purpose and real- time CCTV surveillance video is going to be used as the
input for implementation. A comprehensive data analysis is required to be conducted
to address the higher processing requirement of such videos. The solution will be
validated for performance subsequently. The final objective of this research is to
come up with an optimum algorithm for vehicle detection and classification in
unorganized traffic environments which would help to analyze the behavior of road
users. The solution will lead to reduced traffic congestion in the country by enhancing
the efficiency and effectiveness of traffic monitoring and analyzing systems.
Traffic monitoring, Video analytics, Moving object detection, Big data
Ranaweera Arachchi, I., Jayalal, S. and Rajapakse, C. 2016. Real-time big data video analytics for unorganized traffic environments. In Proceedings of the International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences (IRSPAS 2016), Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p 91.