An Examine on Whether Kautilya ArthaShasthrya has affected to the Settlement of Lankan Administrative System.
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International Conference on Sanskrit Studies, 2017 Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
Maurya was a powerful dynasty in India. Wiseman Kautilya (Chankaya) can be recognized as the basement. The book composed including state administrative principles made in winning states not only in Maurya era but afterward kings too. It includes 15 forensic and 180 expositions which were used by Indian royalists.It seems Indian royalist’s states and also for the Sri Lankan political context this book has contributed. The main aim of the study is to examine how this has laid for the administrative system of Sri Lankan kings this political theory. Mainly here literature and archeological sources were compared. Some political philosophies concepts have made its way for the beginning and expansion of political bodies in Lankan context which have written in arthaShasthraya and Lankan sources prove it. Specially appointment of king establishment of state, appointment of administrative officers and war strategies have influenced. It can assume that kings have use book directly for the rule according to chronicles. Successful ruling system for Indian and Lankan kings had made by this. Especially king Parakramabahuof Polonnaruwa has follow war strategies. Appointment of administrative officer under king and allocating officers to various sections, selection of land, state expansion match with Lankan kings and ArthaShasthraya ideologies. The study reveals ArthaShasthrya has influenced system composition.
Administrative structure, ArthaShasthrya, Polities, Theories
Sumanasena, M.W.N.T., Jayashani, H.L. (2017). International Conference on Sanskrit Studies, 2017 Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.p.74.