A Rediscovery of the Connotative Caturvyūha Healing Model in ĀyurvedaTherapy.

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International Conference on Sanskrit Studies, 2017 Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.


According to the Indian Āyurveda tradition, there are the Three Fundamental Principles (Skt. trisūtra), as the cause (Skt. hetu), the symptom (Skt. liṅga) and the medicine (Skt. auṣadha) as a medical systematic healing procedurein the original Sanskrit Āyurvedictext. Whileit goes intoa deep research in this evolutional progress that procedureshould be extended and transformed to a more perfect matrix as four-factor healing modelas the disease, the cause of disease, treatment and RECOVERY from disease.As a consequence, the Three Principles just miss an end result or effect factorwhich is considered as RESTORATION or RECOVERY. In fact, these four modelshave already been interspersed among the ancient Indian medical theory and practice but so far not yet formed intoaformula or matrix in the early Āyurvedictradition. However, when go through systematic investigation, there is no difficulty to find out that the concepts of four phases of process were disseminated but connotatively in the Āyurvedic system. Thus, inlater Āyurvedasystem, Āyurvedic methodologies should be adapted toa procedure of four-factor healing model as symptom, cause, recovery and treatmentto be a more usefulstructural formula. This one more stepped RECOVERY plus to the three principleswould renew Āyurvedicsystem in a holistic way to reveal healingdisease and free from sicknessin its relevant fieldmore reasonable andeffectively. Therefore, it is to be notedthat the Four-Factor Healing Modelas the doctrine of Caturvyūhacan bediverseapproachesleading to the result in associated cause and effect. In fact, these four steps of model can be divided into two divisions, the first three as philosophy and the last one as practice. In other words, the first two can be he first two can be he first two can be he first two can be he first two can be he first two can be he first two can be he first two can be he first two can be he first two can be he first two can be set to be the diseases set to be the diseases set to be the diseases set to be the diseases set to be the diseases set to be the diseases set to be the diseases set to be the diseases set to be the diseases set to be the diseases set to be the diseases set to be the diseases and and and diagnosis while the last two constitutethe prognosi diagnosis while the last two constitutethe prognosidiagnosis while the last two constitutethe prognosi diagnosis while the last two constitutethe prognosi diagnosis while the last two constitutethe prognosi diagnosis while the last two constitutethe prognosi diagnosis while the last two constitutethe prognosidiagnosis while the last two constitutethe prognosidiagnosis while the last two constitutethe prognosi diagnosis while the last two constitutethe prognosi diagnosis while the last two constitutethe prognosi diagnosis while the last two constitutethe prognosidiagnosis while the last two constitutethe prognosi diagnosis while the last two constitutethe prognosi diagnosis while the last two constitutethe prognosi diagnosis while the last two constitutethe prognosidiagnosis while the last two constitutethe prognosidiagnosis while the last two constitutethe prognosi diagnosis while the last two constitutethe prognosidiagnosis while the last two constitutethe prognosidiagnosis while the last two constitutethe prognosi s and and treatment treatmenttreatment treatmenttreatment .Therefore, the four factors of the Healing Modelare not in non-singleness of causality condition, butare interconnectedinto the oneness of matrix. The objective of this research is to make a rediscovery of the connotative four factor medical healing model as a logic and scientific formula or matrix which is also represent with the condition of reduplicative causality in the Āyurvedic system.



Āyurveda, Caturvyūha, Causality, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Symptoms


Ven. Dr. Da Xing (2017). A Rediscovery of the Connotative Caturvyūha Healing Model in ĀyurvedaTherapy. International Conference on Sanskrit Studies, 2017 Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. p.25.




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